Is Dead By Daylight Getting Stale?

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I know my 939 ideas are probably really bad and would need a lot of tweaking and fine tuning but that’s the point of theory crafting and I just really wanted a sound based killer tbh. I don’t really know when uploads will return to normal uploads.
I was planning to go back home a month ago for my birthday and start streaming and uploading way more but due to… family issues this didnt come to be so now I’ve been really mopey but oh well plus my cats have been getting sick so yknow life happens. anyways I’m so sorry my schedule is bad and everything I hope one day I’ll be able to upload and stream as much as I can.


17 thoughts on “Is Dead By Daylight Getting Stale?”

  1. Probably a really bad take but I've wanted to see a killer with no M1 attack for a while now, force the devs to come up with an ability that incorporates a killer's utility, offense and defense all in one with a high skill ceiling and forces them to play distinct from the others in the cast.

  2. Honestly I feel like if they just either add game modes or more things to do like more ways to escape and some side objectives for killers to do that will help them other than kicking gens it would be less stale.

  3. Totally agree, more fame modes would really boost this games life and also try to shy away from perk Buffs and nerfs by having more things to do or different ways to achieve victory.
    I've been wanting for a while a good and productive side objective for BOTH killer and survivor. It's probably hard to add, but needs more to think about other than "loop killer" so other survivors can get gens done. Is this a horror game?

  4. I think that events like the halloween event now spices up things alot, because with this particular one you have more objectives, and even another place where you can hunt survivors. More regular events or a event that becomes a always playable gamemode would be a very good change

  5. honestly, DBD is the one game i can play without getting bored,
    it's not the objectives, it's the dynamic of how games can go.
    even the same 5 people go against each other on the same map 10 times, each one is going to be different. we all make different choices every second.
    whereas a game like re8 or rdr2 or witcher 3, despite ALL the crazy good looking environment and all the things to collect and all the side quests, it gets boring. because there's no dynamic interactions in it.


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