Is Dead by Daylight Getting Stale or Are You Getting Bored

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m.cote was right, go play civ.


46 thoughts on “Is Dead by Daylight Getting Stale or Are You Getting Bored”

  1. That's also your opinion that it's in a great spot. It's not. At all. Ever killer they release is anti loop/anti pallet. It's boring now. They don't want chases. Period. And they can't for the life of them understand that adding oen more generator to the end game 3 gen situation would get rid of this 3 gen hold going on. Even if the last gen needed should take longer with an added gen. |

    Yes, i play both sides. Demo/Huntress/Legion and i stay playing those because every new killer is non creative. Hell, Alien is even just fucking Demo with Nemesis mixed together. Open your eyes Scott

  2. Could not disagree more, the game has not been fun in years and it has nothing to do with how often you play it. The game has lost what made it fun it is no longer the dbd we once loved. The only people still coping that the game is fun are content creators whose livelihoods are at stake if people stop playing the game. Also for arguments sake for burn out i play another game and have been for 9 years every day and have never been burnt out.

  3. What would you consider the end-game incentive in this game? I've come back to it over the years but I've always desired a better prestige system with more badass rewards to grind for. Playing just the thrill is what got boring for me. Having a meaningful goal makes it worth it more. Not sure if there is one nowadays but I'd be excited if there was.

  4. The general mechanics are basic so eventually they will get boring. Of course it's fun to come back to. Any decent game is. Dbd is a mixed bag of experiences. You either love a match or hate it. Alot of various cons. Not everything is the consumers fault. Games go stale. Especially when there is a 50/50 chance you have fun in the match. You aren't gaining new players because you have 1. The skill gap. Obviously there needs to be one.. but there are so many perks and interactions that It's daunting.2.a pay to win system. You aren't going to have fun playing trapper and nurse. The best killers and survivors are locked behind $$. 3. The community. The community is vile nowadays. If you are bad at killer, you better have a humiliation fetish. End chat can be atrocious. It only makes sense that people are getting bored. Tweaks to stats and balancing Isn't the only important thing. It's everything else.

  5. I think it depends, most people acknowledge that the devs have / are fixing certain things and that the game is in a better state than 5 years ago. The problem is that there are so many things in the game that aren't acknowledged or are flat out ignored because BHVR cherry pick what they will and won't comment on. For me the biggest thing driving burn out is map design, there are just so many maps in the game now that are abysmal to play killers like Hillbilly (my main) on that it feels like you're going to just straight up not enjoy 60% of the games you queue for by default.

  6. For me DBD is very much in and out. Sometimes not playing it for 3-9 months because it usually just turns into a dull grind.

    Breaks are good and should be encouraged. That isn't to say that I don't think BHVR could do better with incentives for playing regularly, but absolutely folks should take breaks from it as-is. FOMO cosmetics really don't matter, and DBD's one of those games that really preys on sunk cost fallacy if folks let it.

  7. I can vouch for this as well, I started playing when the pig just came out, quit shortly after deathslinger came out and by then I had gotten burned out with all of those issues back then and I’m on console as well so now that I picked the game back up with the alien update it’s such a breath of fresh air with all of the QOL changes, balance changes, BT not being basekit gave me lots more build variety worth coming back alone. If you’re burned out on the game literally play something else, coming from an Overwatch player please have variety because it will fuck you up mentally if you stick to the same game for a long period of time lol

  8. The game is stale, I queue every game is the same it being tunneling or camping even slugging every game is barely different from each other all killers nowadays is play like they’re in a tournament format you can blame the ccs for that.

  9. Honestly, yes the game is the best it has ever been balance wise and such, but at the same time I think that's why it's getting stale which by extension means the player is getting bored.

    But at the same time, that's natural. Playing a game for so long will make it boring. If you went sky diving for the first time, it'd be a thrilling experience. Do it a few more times? Still pretty awesome. But 100 times later? It's the same thing as the previous time and will be the same the next time after that. You're not experiencing much of anything that's new, exciting, etc.

    Nowadays honestly my main issue with the game and it being boring is the balance and the redundancy of the game. The gameplay is really unique and no game has really been able to copy the success DbD has had after countless tries. The closest has probably been TCM which really just copies the concept of killers going after survivors while the entire game is different.

    I remember since the 1st year, people have been talking about, discussing and just theory crafting ideas for new gameplay. Things like 2 v 8, new primary objectives, maybe some secondary objectives that would make the main objective easier, etc. Things to just shake up the standard loop.

    Problem is nothing happened. 8 years ago, the game was the exact same as it is now, but less balanced. The game loop was identical, survivors do 5 gens, open gates and leave, preferably with as many alive as they can. Killer is trying to kill all the survivors before that. Nothing in that gameplay loop has changed.

    What has changed is the killers and perks, however it's very rare that survivors get perks that're game changing or provide some crazy function, and I feel it's fair to say that everybody has preferences. People who dislike Wesker for example have probably been more frustrated than ever since his release with how popular he was. I despise Xeno and so playing is frustrating like 50% of the time currently.
    On top of that, it's rare that perks really provide much of a change in how you can play, but rather just letting you pick where your strengths are. Look at Any Means Necessary as an example. Realistically the perk is okay at best, and its really not all that interactive. But it's unique, it actively opens up a new thing that survivors can do which is resetting a pallet. Sabotage would be the same if toolboxes didn't exist, Breakout lets you help people wiggle faster and is like the only perk specifically to help someone when picked up, etc.

    Overall what I'm getting at is that yes, it is definitely people complain because they are bored. But at the same time people are bored because the game is stale. It's been 8 years of the exact same primary gameplay loop, but the loop is unique and no game has been able to even match it that for people who like it, they have nothing else to go to for a change up. It's either DbD, or a completely different game.
    DbD is like the only game I can think of that is very unique, Battle Royales, FPS, MMOs, etc, all have countless options to choose from that scratch the same itch, but are different enough to be able to be played for a mix up. DbD is an asymmetrical 1 v 4 horror theme'd game that after countless attempts to be matched have all failed. It's like if Call of Duty was the only good FPS game that was ever made, if you like FPS you'd play it because it's the best one, but you'll get burnt out of its exact formula soon enough.

  10. how did you become like that?
    Why do oyu have the Urge to make everyone know that you know everything und understand everything and have it to explain to all us peasants that don`t understand?
    I swear the god complex is on max lvl…
    you should really see a doctor Pal…
    you do not understand more than anyone else!
    You just pull stuff out of your A… to make clicks…
    the result is a split DBD Community… not you alone but you have your fair part in this!
    DBD 2018 was peak DBD! Todays players wouldn`t even pass grey ranks!
    The Game is horrible! Everyone who comes with "beststate" is just a troll!

  11. I'm a Day 1 player and I still enjoy the game because I take breaks regularly, I have 200+ games on Steam and could be playing any of them during a break from DbD.
    For example, this week I finished Resident Evil 5 for the first time, and currently have Persona 5 Royal to finish. It's very refreshing to play multiple games and not tie yourself down to 1 game. And just like DbD, I play Deep Rock Galactic few times a week to not get bored of it.

  12. DBD just lacks broken, yet funny stuff these days. They made the game special, even though they obviously weren't anywhere near balanced. Now each match feels like every other match, which is why the game has become so stale.

  13. I simply think it's the fact that they barely added any new features in 7 years. I mean features that aren't on the same 3-month-timer: We know how they do maps so we actively don't want these, Killers are nice but don't change enough and then there's perks. Survivors being skins and skins not being a feature – I wish they'd add more stuff like an endgame collapse, archives – yeah, it's natural to get bored of games but it's not like they're doing much against it. This game is yearning for a new method of escape, a new game mode or some other huge change.

  14. DBD now has a BRAND NEW mechanic where you have to complete generators to open exit gates. So fresh and new. Bet ya' didn't know that, did ya'? Who could also forget the greatest change in the mechanics, Nicholas Cage. Ground Breaking, like florals in Spring. Unheard of even…

  15. Maybe the problem is that it’s so enjoyable and somewhat balanced now. People have run out of reasons to bitch so now they are bored. Maybe they aren’t so much bored with DBD as they are with the lack of drama. Just a thought

  16. Literally, if you’re not enjoying doing something, try to stop doing it. Some players seem to really have a weird relationship with DBD where they say they hate it and they’re not having fun, babe try something else? You’re torturing yourself?

  17. I love dbd but there’s bad things in the game that makes me not want to play sometimes. This face camping mechanic is one of them and proves bhvr doesn’t understand their own game

  18. I really don't understand people forced to play dbd, I played dbd for about 400hours before I got bored. So I know in the future I will come back but for now I just switched to eft and having a blast there until dbd gets a major update or I just feel like playing again, I don't really see this as a big deal.

  19. The game just needs more variety. If they would add a 1vs1 mode or something the game would be way more enjoyable. It would also be an easy thing to do. The biggest problem right now is that you rely on the other side to have fun or actually play this game. If the killer doesn't wanna chase or just wants to farm you can't play the game. This unfortunately works for both sides. A survivor giving up at 5 gens…. This is the only game I know where you kinda get punished for being good and improving.

  20. Being a returning player from the DH/DS/Unbreakable Era. The games in an amazing spot. It was only with MFTs release that I started to feel resentment again. Honestly if that perk disappeared I’d be content

  21. I played it 24/7 during the anniversary event. 1 day afterward I stopped playing completely. Will maybe play again on Halloween Event or next anniversary. I'm totally fine with taking longer breaks, you need them. The game is in a good state kind of, but problematic game mechanics will always stay in this game and need to be countered with perks. Also, 70% of the killers are not fun to go against, so it is basically a lottery if you get into a fun match.

  22. You'll never get tired of heaven nobody is "bored" in heaven, that show that propagated that is dead wrong. The traditional catholic faith teaches that you'll never get bored in heaven, never, you'll be in complete bliss, forever.

  23. I honestly disagree that "I'm just bored". The game for me is in a really stale state.

    The last few killers have been terrible.

    Knight. Trash to play against.
    Skull merchant, trash to play against.
    Wesker, was fun, but now I've seen him so much I'm bored to death of him.
    Xeno, hitboxes make them exceedingly unfun.

    Wraith is now less fun/interactive
    Nurse is now less fun/interactive

    Tunnelling has increased a bunch since DS was nerfed. I'd say Tunnelling someone out happens now in around 1/3 of my games.

    There are several perk combos that make survivor incredibly dull. Seriously, so many killer perks now are just infuriating to play against.

    Killers refuse to chase. Would rather sit near hook and return. Yes, a problem we've always had, but BHVR have made it so easy to do now. It's a joke. I very rarely see killer players with any actual skill now.

    On killer side, I'm bored after 2 matches. It's either so easy I feel bad for the survivors, or I'm playing a killer I'm bad at and the gens are done within 2 minutes, there is no in-between.

    I think saying "it's just burn out, the game is better than it has been" is very reductive and doesn't address any of the many problems the game has right now.

    BHVR have slowly sucked all the fun or of the game in the name of balance, but even then, they've balanced the game around killers winning more than half the time. Which is the dumbest mentality.

    I have more fun losing in TCM than I do winning in DBD. That's not burnout, that's the game being stale.

  24. I don’t think it’s because of a burnt out phase. The game is literally just boring because I rarely play the game and I come back to play for a bit then quickly get bored. Solo Q randoms are worse then bots too so it’s no longer fun to play.

  25. I've played the game for over 6,600 hours it's just yeah, it's in a solid state, but it's not that much different than it used to be same objectives over and over again. Good coming back from breaks though definitely feels better than it did back then I'll say that.


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