Is gen SLOWDOWN still a thing? – Dead by Daylight

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12 thoughts on “Is gen SLOWDOWN still a thing? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Deleted the game ages ago, i only like to watch it when you play it.
    For me this crap can stay in the trashcan, i gave it a lot of chances, but back in 2017 the game was getting worse with every update.

  2. I adore Oni's character and gameplay design. I think hes the most fun character in DBD… Notice I didnt say BEST. But I love playing him and watching good killers play him since they have to mitigate his weaknesses. So this was fun. Your point @11:08 about more fun, less wins is so on point. To me Oni is about FUN. I dont think I've seen you play Hillbilly. Any chance for games like that? Thanks Zeb! 😊

  3. I dont think DBD is outdated, note that most popular games run on old engines, because of their long developement time.
    Switching the engine is not worth it if the project is already working.

  4. I think yes, it's still a thing but only on the strongest killers in the game. They can put people on hook faster so they get value from nerfed gen slowdown. Ofc they are not good on Oni, a killer who waste tons of time to fed himself, and become the Hillbilly for 60 seconds. I suggest you to play a build that capitalize his "60 seconds of Hillbilly", play him with Corrupt, Eruption, Infection Fright and a 4th perk at your choice, then slug as much as possible. You can still play him with other shitful "slowdown" like Pain but be aware, these perks are not good anymore, they were "rebalanced" to give an edge to Blight, Spirit & company, but M1 killers don't get much value. Gg wp, nice player <3

  5. THEY need to buff up kicking in this game it isnt fair that killer is force to chase a survivor while giving up a GEN! literally a gen at shack and 3 survivors nearby, i have no gen defense but this is like HOOK camping, survivors should'nt be able to camp the same gen. literally 2.5 kick gen doesn't DO ANYTHING! i kicked that damn gen like 6 times while m1 hitting survivors and leaving to chase and they still get it done right when i pick that survivor up which chase from survivor didn't even loop with! survivors gen CAMP way to much in this game and NEED to be punished for playing bad! kicking a gen should be 8% at this rate since the regress on gens is slow to almost nothing, this way if survivors keep tapping gens it actually looses a lot! and punishes them from not doing any actual gameplay , like i literally have 3 survivors around and a gen at 95%! no point for killer to leave but this is WHY THE GAME IS DUMB, survivors are allowed to be around killer and gens with little punishment compared to killers camping a HOOK! game is extremely survivor sided.


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