Is The Singularity Any Fun? – Dead by Daylight

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15 thoughts on “Is The Singularity Any Fun? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. im a filthy console degenerate so I can’t play him, but he does look really well designed and fun. EMP’s look too strong in their current state, so I imagine they will be nerfed a little bit in the live release. Im excited to play this chapter.

  2. I think this killer is cool I like it’s design and voice lines the mori is pretty brutal I hope they fix it so all survivors lose their face. I hope they fix the emps and the map looks nice but I agree it is cluttered I hope they clean it up before release

  3. for me its just the same idea for three chapters in the row

    put something that patrol the area and survivors can disable it some how or run away

    but here its not ai as the other killer
    its not a bad chapter but getting the same type killer for the third time is just Disappointment for me
    even his second chase power is just adding two perks basekit
    definitely not for anniversary thats what i think about this chapter

  4. He says the shit,during his mori,because Hux-A7-13 did go rogue,but he wanted to overthrow and kill people and take their genetic information and put it into robots,so when he says"You will be Elevated to a better existance" he means that

  5. I REALLY hope they don’t nerf this killer into the ground, he looks so damn fun, and if he’s another S Tier killer then that’s not a horrible thing, S Tier doesn’t necessarily mean OP, in a perfect world every killer would be S Tier and balanced properly lol

  6. They finally dropped a great chapter. IMO as an Survivor Main the Chapter can go live directly.
    And to say that the EMP Is Op is a bit stupid IMO. I mean The Singularity is probably the most OP Killer in Dbd now, which got good balance because of the EMP. So yeah.

  7. I hate this chapter. It's an awful chapter for DbD. Excepting licensed content, all killers and maps from current day or earlier and every killer and map before Skull Merchant is from 50+ years ago except Trickster (no map so no bother) and Legion and Ormond which only hail back over 27 years. Even including licensed content, before this anniversary was certainly not futuristic or sci-fi. It could be considered modern day in many instances thanks to licenses but never had they went to the future. And they didn't try to soften the blow. They went into the distant future and even gave us a year, 2313, so we could know how far out they decided to go. It's like the Entity has no sense of taste. Now players have no idea what to expect from future DbD content.
    They could have made Cyborg Boy so that he has the same power and is even still artificial but instead used magic rather than technology as the basis for his powers. Imagine if instead of cyborg-futuristic he was a part golem put together by a mad scientist type. It would be so much more interesting and intriguing than the recycled Meet Your Maker assets they gave us.

  8. my only complaint is theres no tp cooldown. since most of the time tp means free hit, i think there should be a cool down by at least 10 seconds on the same survivor. it makes him entirely too op since yes you can use an emp but you could get infected seconds after again with no way to avoid it on certain maps. i saw people saying emps were too op, i think they should keep them infinite since his power is easy to hit with making you infected most of the game, however perhaps they should have you only choose one thing you want to get rid of with it. whether you want to cure yourself or disable a biopod. because as of right now if all infected survivors group up especially near biopods one emp which is very easy to get can cure all of them instantly along with disabling. so yea slightly nerf emps and slightly nerf teleportation and this killer is gold


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