Is Winstreaking Destroying Dead by Daylight?

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Is Winstreaking Destroying Dead by Daylight?


21 thoughts on “Is Winstreaking Destroying Dead by Daylight?”

  1. My autism just wont let me understand people that complain what murderers do… its a murdering monster/beast or what ever, its michael myers dammit he does what he wants! imagine saying awww come on Michael you cant use a kitchen knife that isnt fair…ITS A MURDERER.

  2. i do feel that winstriking is there simply because there is a lack of chalenges, so people that are good or that want one are eventually dragged towards simply winning more games in a row.

    i think that if bh actually added an "expert" mode or something on those lines, like for example, a mode that you activate and makes your character simply worse at certain things, or maybe imposes some limitations on you or forces you do to something extra, and you actually gave some rewards for completing them, maybe with different levels of difficulty, per rift… i think that people would gravitate towards them.

    but they have to be hard, like for example, "no m1 on huntress, no perks, get 4 kills. complete in a single trial" for killers, and for survivors "no item, no perk except no mither, escape with 3 iridiscent badges"…also, maybe chalenges were the killer or survivor is worse because the chalenge is actually imposing a custom perk that happens to add negative things, and you have to win using the challenge perk…

    in fact i do like the idea of perks that do something bad for the character using them in general. people would try to play with them

    i feel like adding a list of these per rift, would keep the good people entertained and with something to complete, while the regular people could also try the easier ones for some minor rewards too.

  3. Coco you are not going to stop Survivors from being Filthy, those DISGUSTING FILTH will always complain whenever it lose its precious LIFE.
    semi camp to secure a DED at 2 or 1 or at any second stage can be Strategic, not everyone is as good as …. "Influencers" ppl only watch because of goodness in the game.
    What is wrong with wanting to better yourselves? Trying to save these FILTH will only serves to cause more of it IMO, just as these FILTH does it know what Soul Guard does?
    Does it know ANYTHING about the game?

  4. no doubt MMR made the game more competitive, i myself have attempted win streaks on Myers, GF and Trickster all getting to at least 50. although, i can't really remember any games that i tunneled/camped someone out of the game early. i just played to win, if i lost so be it. The only situation i would tunnel is near the end of the game if i was at risk of losing ( i'm sure almost everybody does this) but not to a extreme of ruining someone else's fun.

  5. So I'm having a problem with this one. I understand it's not fun to go against a 4 slow down blight with alchemist ring, but even when I play as survivor I always run strong builds and play to win. I don't give the killer free hooks very often, it's their job to get the hooks, and I don't often let survivors escape for free, it's their job to escape. Escape streaks, win streaks, these are just players trying to play their best, and I think their is nothing wrong with that. Some games are very boring, I would usually rather die first hook than try and play vs hag, but I don't think hag is op, I just find it boring. In the same way playing against a killer going for a streak is just playing against something that is boring to play against, nothing wrong with it. Should we also make a disincentive for survivors to bring strong builds and tell them to stop doing gens and go start another gen before finishing the current one? I don't really see how this pans out in a reasonable way.

  6. It can be a contributing factor for the perceived problem. But I personally don't think it has any real bearing in my mind. Camping and Tunneling can happen due to a multitude of reasons:
    -Getting bullied/outplayed by survivors and thus the killer wants that 1k and try to make a play for more kills
    -It is viable to win the game and sometimes it makes sense to camp/proxy and tunnel to secure the win. (I say this as not a win streak driven desire, but a a general desire most have playing a game)
    -The killer get fixated by one player they feel was trolling them so they troll back lol

    The bigger issue for me is not many people play both sides. I know the first few years I played only survivor and hated Killer. But I practiced and made small goals like reaching certain ranks and prestiges etc… But I learned that one can enjoy the game and get better by playing both sides and take each match one by one. Learn methods to counter tunneling and camping. Or how to counter sabo SWFs and Beamer Squads etc…

    I honestly love this game and haven't had anything to whine about in years.

  7. I just wonder if it would be so bad for killers to disable their power if they camp? I play nurse and plague and I wouldn't mind a change that would disable my power if I were to camp.

  8. I don't think that many people are doing streaks but content creators playing at a high level probably gives to the entire community the impression that they need to play as efficient as possible to win their games which is moslty not true, you can play pretty chill and still get 3-4k very often but it feels so humiliating to lose as killer in this game that people convince themselves they need to play dirty "if my favorite streamer can win 50 times in a row then I should win most of the time too" like they play as if they are going for winstreaks even when they aren't the gap in skill between the average player and the best players in this game is so ridiculous it's honestly impossible to balance the game for everyone

  9. Winning is relative since there is no victory or defeat. I personally laugh at people who think they win at this game because there is no "winning" you make up your win conditions. For me as a survivor escaping is only a bonus, I determine how good I did by the BP / PIPS and most importantly on how much fun I had in the match. This will sound cringe to a lot of gamers but I play this game just for fun, when the fun is no more I'll just move on, but for now I'm having fun!

  10. Teammates are also an issue. I had a match where a fang dc'd after a yuu got downed and i was also downed. There was a meg eho just poppef a gen, and decided to elf care instead of picking me up. Very fustrating

  11. Fix tunneling and camping so killers are forced to go for other people but also increase the survivor objectives so the killer has enough time to go for everyone without losing all 5 gens.

  12. Survivor main here and an average one at best. I strongly feel like matchmaking is the issue and not the way killers play. If a top tier killer main plays against a top tier swf, camping and tunneling is only hurting the killer hence the reason you don't see it in top tier matches. These win streaks are only possible because of the massive amount of solo queue players and of those players most of them are playing for themselves and not the team. There really should be some sort of in game communication system. I don't why that isn't a thing already. Getting camped and tunneled sucks for sure. However, I would much rather play with/against people at my skill level. Playing someone who is new to killer is boring and on the opposite side of that, playing a killer with 5k hours is impossible(for someone like me). I know a lot of people don't like sbmm. Personally I think its the best way to do matchmaking in any pvp game mode.

  13. I’d say win streaking is completely fine, it’s a pvp game it’s natural for players to play for a “win”. However the process to get a “win” can be viewed as toxic, for example as killer most players consider 3 kills a win, sure you can play “fair” and barley get 3(if your playing certain killers) or you can play merciless and get 3-4k. Personally I don’t think win streaking is toxic or bad for the game, it’s the way to win is bad for the game, unfortunately to get a 3-4k you have to tunnel or camp while playing certain killers. It’s just how the game is designed, it’s impossible to have a asymmetrical game that is balanced to the point where it’s possible to lose without feeling like you lost, or to win without playing a little bit dirty.


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