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I thought this video was gonna be just another episode of my “All Versions of..” series. But Bubba’s history in Dead by Daylight turned out to be such a big icebergб I had to spend about 5 days just studying it. It’s gonna be a sad story. Viewer discretion is advised to all of you Hillbilly mains.

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My DMs are often super cluttered, so don’t freak out if I don’t respond right off the bat. I’ll get to your message as soon as I have time.

🎵 Josh Kirsch & Media Right Productions – Morning Stroll youtube.com/watch?v=Jt5YsCsv9Sc
🎵 RedLionProduction – Comedy Episode youtube.com/watch?v=uTWgyKVxGhQ
🎵 Quincas Moreira – Sand Castle youtube.com/watch?v=PAgBpRqTap8
🎵 Kevin Macleod – Scheming Weasel Faster youtube.com/watch?v=Xi69bI9vKDg
🎵 Michel F. April – Hillbilly Menu Theme youtube.com/watch?v=LSNNzk8r3dU
🎵 MOKKA – Sad Cinematic Piano Music youtube.com/watch?v=rWa-SAq1pa8

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I’m currently recording and editing on ASUS TUF Gaming A15 laptop.
🔵 Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 6800H Mobile Processor
🔵 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU
🔵 Display: 15.6-inch (1920 x 1080, 144Hz)
🔵 16GB DDR5 (4800 Mhz)
🔵 Storage (512GB SSD)
🔵 Microphone: FIFINE K658

If you’ve never heard of this game before, then, first of all, congrats on avoiding this chaotic mess all this time lol. And second of all, it’s called Dead by Daylight. It’s a 4V1 horror game where one person plays as the killer whose job is to find and eliminate 4 survivors. More at: https://www.deadbydaylight.com

#dbd #bubba #leatherface



  1. Don't wanna make this video more dramatic than it is (refering to the ending ofc) but do you even realize the irony of the Hillbilly situation? According to the lore he wasn't loved by his parents. And it seems like BHVR being his "real-life" parents don't need him either. 💀💀💀

  2. Shows how much BHVR cares about non-licensed characters. Xenomorph is an example with its power being blatantly copied from Demo's and buffed too.
    Too bad people don't see it, otherwise this game's popularity would drop down considerably.
    At least until BHVR brings back old Hillbilly and starts making actually unique designed killers.

  3. One of the old Bubba's limitations is actually a decent idea to mitigate camping;

    If too close to a hooked Survivor (or a recently unhooked Survivor for a few seconds) then hitting anybody with the chainsaw could trigger full tantrum automatically.

    This would make it so Bubba will at best manage a trade if he camps.

  4. The testing is extremely wasted considering the Survivors never use resources like pallets, which Bubbas often have to eat in the dozens before getting a down. That's the REAL problem with Bubba, you can make him spend so many pallets and Survivors later on will still have PLENTY to use.

  5. Also want to mention that in the official game portrait for dbd on all platform stores, it includes all the original characters accept billy. It has trapper, wraith, nurse, huntress and hag. No billy.

  6. Being punished for using your power well isn't just an old dbd issue. The Twins have had that ever since 4.7.0 where it's more punishing to actually hit your pounce than miss it, not to mention all the extra time Charlotte takes to wake up after you switch back

  7. You had me for the entire video until the end when you talk about them taking out the masks because people were harassing black streamers. I am black, I don’t think other black people should be harassed in this way by people that find it funny.

    I don’t blame behavior for taking it out, no one wants to join a game to be harassed for their skin color in a game where it shouldn’t matter. I think it’s a a few bad eggs ruin the bunch situation. Instead of calling out the company for taking a stand against their player base using cosmetics/add ons in unintended ways (and the fact that they were targeting black people to harass for fun…), understand that in this case they’re trying to make sure everyone can have a fun time when they play the game.

    I enjoyed this video it was very thorough so keep up the good work 😊

  8. Old bubba was only good with play with your food. And bhvr said to dbd release bubba was planned but to this time they dont have the money for the license. He was also bugged since twins release and they half fixed him. But several addons doesnt work really intended as they should.

  9. I main Bubba since 2019 and In my opinion the most interesting part of this Killer starts from Patch 4.1.1. He got the rework and 4.1.1 Version was the best version of Bubba. Why? In patches 4.1.0 to 4.4.0 (Twins Release) Bubba had different acceleratino code on Chainsaw Sweep. He was reaching max speed ALWAYS after 0.6 seconds and it was very good for him. Since TWINS DLC he got massive shadow nerf, because BHVR changed acceleration code to "Reaches max speed after 60% of his first Charge". What does it mean? 1) At base kit he needs 1.2 seconds to reach max speed, and every duration addon (expect 4 tokens) increases this acceleration and that's why Carburetor Tunning Guide was bugged for 2 years and Chili addons have "hidden" penalty.
    I would love to play 4.1.1 Version of Bubba with good acceleration…

  10. seeing old bubba's tantrum brought back a bit of nostalgia. I personally liked it better.

    although what you said about billy is unfortunately true, I still find him more appealing than bubba. bubba has a very small learning curve in order to play him, while billy, you will lose games after games after games trying to learn him, but learning billy I feel like is more of a payoff than bubba. plus, once you learn billy's basekit saw, you now have to learn his addons that change his saw (engravings), so you're essentially back to step one, losing games. when you've fully mastered him, not only are you one of the 5 people that play him, but you'll realize how strong he still is.

    TLDR: I just find billy more fun than bubba

  11. this killer still needs a basekit buff on chainsaw, it should give him a slight speed increase like .25 as well if the survivor drops a pallet bubba should gain one charge back after destroying the pallet. most loops u still really can't even get survivors even when u double back. killer needs a buff still with chainsaw cause lets face it ONE damn stun is a free out of jail card its really dumb. bubba needs to be better around loops still.

  12. I joined dbd about 5 months ago and bubba was my 2nd killer i bought. I was so disappointed to find out why the masks were taken away. Such a uniqie thing for the killer, ruined by a toxic community.

  13. Fk this character dude fr, don't care about him, never was a fan of his and ik I'm being ignorant but i cannot NOT be when one of the most fun gameplay experiences suffered because of him. Billy was like the demoknight for me, fhat class being from a way better but also timeless masterpiece of a game, but the fact that you charge and insta kill was satisfying, fun and fair. Everyone loves a good snipe, a nice flex of skill, even better when people can express their skill in more ways than one. Idc that leatherface is licensed, he's worse in every aspect to me, power, look, lore, everything. He is terrible for the game, power is brain-dead and only scum play him anyways. Ok that's not true but I'd rather be camped from a hag or a trapper than a leatherface. Hag is also trash to me but anyway, fk the leatherface


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