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#deadbydaylightsurvivor #dbd #Deadbydaylight #dbdclips #dbdtoxicTTV #toxicstreamer
I remember the clown match from a while ago and damn this whole vid did not disappoint gj man
The game isn’t fun without the homies though lol playing with randoms is annoying
imagine getting mad at people who play video games with their friends. like bro… just say you dont have any friends.
i swear people complain about every perk n the game like the whole damn point is it is supposed to give you an advantage
Honestly Franklin's and Lightborn feels a little overkill, Lightborn will be enough to crush their spirits : 3
thought the joker was the clown with color pattern, i got bamboozled
Saw you on tiktok, subbed!
bro… if I let real people know I talked like that when I was gameing… be beyond mortified.
I play vs u with wesker gg fun game
A bit late to the party but you are a very good surv and if i were to be against u is be very very mad but not like this jeeeez :)))) i mean if you are alone in the room i guess its fine to talk shit but not while u stream 😅
Gays humor is just on another level 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the subtitles sent me
the llama dude mad cause you’re playing with your friend and having fun??? i don’t get these guys man lol can’t even play with friends without someone bitching about it 🤣
the clown sounds exactly like someone youd think on clown would sound like
That pinhead is fucking ridiculously lonely.
4:23 – He says "Bitch ass culero"
Culero can mean several things depending on the country. It can mean asshole, fag, queer, etc.
5:02 – He says "Pinche mamona wey"
Pinche means fucking, not the sexual act but like when we use it to link insults. For example we could "You fucking bitch", pinche means fucking in this context, always.
Mamona can also mean asshole, dirtbag, dumbass, etc. So nothing good lol
Wey just means like this guy or dude. So nothing bad here
4:29 69 btw
A lot of these people getting mad at other people with playing with friends is just sad, it just means they don't know how to have friends.
Clown match is horrible , why run baby carry perks 🧮🍑🍉🍇🍎🍓🛒🪪
That first guy need mental help, some weed and Jesus
The quiz at 1:29 had me stumped. I picked A tho lol.
You can just tell Llama has no friends, the way he behaves. "Hnn I gotta play with friends" too bad he wont ever get to see what that feels like.
you are actually such an icon, seriously. god, these streamers are so entitled
5:02 as a spanish native they say something like
F…g cunt/prick.
PS. Thats a mexican. Not all latinos are like that
i wanna see Ayrun or FlexCam go against toxic killers (p.s: they'd absolutely DEMOLISH them)😂😂
The fact that you legitimately play the game with no perks makes you a God more than pancakes
Because they're so delicious with that syrup with chocolate……
Please don't quit DBD. Your content is GOLD. I subscribed!
Bro I love your editing it’s hilarious
Really good vid I was really cringed out when 1 dude said „how did he flash me from any side“💀
I play with a P100 Nancy and I always turn off my perks, don't bring anything because people complain about those immediately, blame it won't that if I win and it's honestly annoying cause the killer got 4 perks too… Loved the video!
I don’t understand killers who get pissed when the survivors are good players. As someone who plays killer sometimes, it’s SO MUCH FUN when you have survivors that know what they are doing. It makes the game more challenging and much more rewarding when you can get a few sacrifices.
im so glad that claud was able to get herself up
I love how people dont realize when they go against survivors who pallet drop em and break their ankles like dude its a game chill tf out
Gotta say joker your best ankle breaker
Do you remember the name of the dredge? If so can you tell me the first three letters it might have been me? Idk though all of the matches blend together.
1:53 took me out baby Im CACKLING like a witch in the woods girl bye
Lmao, this is funny. It's so hilarious seeing killers lose their minds over a mistake. At 5:01, He said pinche mamona güey; in Spanish that means fucking sucker dude.
5:01 he says something like "fuck!ng suck3rs", this was actually fun to me because i didnt expected to hear my own language in a stream of dbd
I ate grass after this video cuz pinhead told me to
4:20 says "pinches/bitch ass culeros" meaning "fucking assholes" but culero means like a abusive person in this context.
5:00 he says "pinches mamones wey" Wich translates like "fucking suckers dude" mamones is used for non-humble people who express passive agresive with stuffs they see like inferior but yeah, he just says the first thing that came out of his mouth, because in the contexto it doesn't have a lot of sense(? Or maybe in his head it made sense, idk
who complains about swf anymore? The game is hellish to solo queue. Weird lmao
"If I don't get to play with my friends, this game's not fun."
Welcome to having a healthy relationship with video games, and having friends lmao
Always the clowns