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Throwing together a tier list for all the killer perks in the game that I’d consider to be a slowdown or regression perk.
I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch –
0:00 – Intro
2:29- Blood Warden
4:09 – Call of Brine
8:17 – Corrupt Intervention
13:20 – Caulrophobia
15:44 – Deadlock
18:59 – Dead Man’s Switch
23:57 – Dying light
28:10 – Eruption
31:37 – Grim Embrace
35:38 – Hex: Plaything
38:06 – Hex: Undying
39:50 – Hex: Huntress Lullaby
42:27 – Merciless Storm
46:10 – No Way Out
50:53 – Oppression
54:57 – Pop Goes the Weasel
57:58 – Remember Me
1:02:06 – Hex: Ruin
1:09:46 – Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain
1:13:57 – Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
1:20:30 – Sloppy Butcher
1:25:31 – Jolt/Surge
1:29:22 – Thanataphobia
1:35:21 – Thrilling Tremors
1:38:43 – Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
1:41:54 – Unnerving Presence
1:44:09 – Overcharge
1:46:10 – Hex: Pentimento
1:52:00 – Final Adjustments
Also hit up my socials here:
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video idea for ya: "trying out the tiers"
go thru and since most of them have 4 skills in them you could do a series where you run perks that are in the tier. you can also do this with the other list or any other that you make. i would say whatever killer you think you could do best or have the most fun with.
Is call of brine and pop worth running together?
@OhTofu weird question… Without saying anything negative about BHVR or the direction of the game, if there were an event mode where you could only play trapper, billy, or wraith and nobody could use any perks, only items and addons, do you think that'd be more fun than our current meta? IE, would you be excited about it or 'meh'? Basically go back to basics with modern maps/items/etc…
I think your math with pentimento and thana is inaccurate. A 20% slowdown means that it takes 25% longer to do actions. So 4 stacks of thana is 100 second gens, not 96.
Also a thing that makes thana okay is that it stacks multiplicatively with other perks. Normally pop is 20 seconds lost. But with 4thana, pop is essentially 25 seconds
Combo tier list
Dying light is like that 1 meme brown add on killers have
you can also use surveillance with call of brine to see if it stops regressing
tofu: deadlock will become more and more problematic when ppl realize it's busted
also tofu: tells thousands of ppl about it
Thank god, someone who brought up that Deadlock is genuinely insane. No one talks about it, and I'm glad I don't see the perk more often, but I live a life of fucking fear over that perk.
a basement bubba with monstrous shrine and deadlock would be annoying af
The amount of evil idea I just thought of because of tofu saying how to used Deadlock
Take a drink everytime he says “slowdown” 💀
Hex:Run would be an S++ perk if it wouldn't be so random. It might spawn close to a survivor and there it goes. Also, against competent survivors, they'll check for ruin, and then look for it to cleanse it. This being said, those games where you can pressure survivors and they don't find it, it's the best perk ever.
Hell yes brother.
Seeing remember me always saddens me. It used to affect the obsession and had a 30 sec duration. Rest in peace.
OH YEAH I already know so much to do while listening to this. Like reading book, knitting, cooking, playing DBD (lol)
I'm down for a tier list tier list.
Deadlock is in my facecamp bubba build lmao you called it man
Dying Light is a pretty decent option on Plague to help her slow down mid-to-late game, especially in 3-gen situations. Healing buff for survivors is meaningless and you can be naughty and just tunnel someone to change an obsession if they have DS so that you can get more tokens from the old obsession. Like it's not a perk that will straight up win you matches but it does get oppressive over time. And the fact that it is virtually passive since you just do your job as a killer and hook survivors is quite nice. I'd say it's C tier.
Bro I know what you’re talking about with bender homie!
As a solo survivor main when I see corrupt I know my chances of escaping are cut in half. Nothing else bothers me.
Two hours bruh
I will never not worry about the blens that are gawked.
I think the tier list is perfect the only change is I think that hex undying and corrupt intervention should be swapped because undying is obviously the best slowdown perk known to mankind
With Boon perks being so popular, Ruin is D tier at best.
Thanks for the vid Tofu! As a newer player who is trying to figure out what perks to get this really helped. 🙂
Correct me if in wrong, but slowdown speed is calculated by reducing the charges per second. So for like 30% repair speed reduction it would go from 1c/s to .7c/s
So with a stack of pentimento it wouldn't add 24 seconds, it'd add 34
Thrill of the hunt is very strong against boons
Pop+Call of brine+Dragons Grip on Wraith with Brutal Strength and the do stuff faster cloaked addon sounds like a semi fun build ngl, you got the speed, easy breaking gens, and chase potential all in one with the constant threat of insta downs