KINDRED G.O.A.T! – Dead by Daylight!

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18 thoughts on “KINDRED G.O.A.T! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. One of the best things about kindred too is it counters bbq pretty well. Generally the killer will bee line to where he sees a survivor after hook and kindred allows you to see which way hes going.

  2. 5 gens done in less than 4 minutes… thats what should always happen when the survivor team knows the killer is camping a hook…. but casual survivor players would try to go for unhooks anyway, thinking its the right play… and when they got punished for it, they would blame the killer player for their loss….

    who is more stupid?

  3. So satisfying to see a camping killer lose that quickly with the other 3 survivors completely ignoring his plan. Also just a little enjoyable to see that the one caught survivor is the one with completely selfish meta build. Use the perks you want, but a lot of luck those did for you lol.


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