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Dead by daylight gameplay / dbd gameplay / dbd highlights / dbd survivor gameplay / dbd 360 montage / Dead by daylight random funny moments / juke montage / david is a bot etc etc
Outro song: Summer – Ouse
Editor: Tanoshi
#72hrs #deadbydaylight #dbd
1v1 me cowshed
i indeed think my pfp is cooler tho
“Comment down below to be featured in the next video” – with this comment I hope to be featured in the next video.
I dont understand this game at all, love watching Tom enjoy a game though
Why is James a janisse playing dbd
I think we need an "Everyone Hates Tom" video for DBD
I enjoy how we learned 360's from Tom way back in the day and now that he's been gone we're all better than him
Please refer to 360s by their inventor.
daily upload pog
Hatch spawns when the survivors alive plus 1 equals the amount of gens completed. So if there are 2 survivors left alive. Hatch spawns when 3 gens are completed. More survivors alive more gens you need done. If all 4 survivors are alive then hatch spawns when last gen is complete. Hope this helps you <3
Welcome back, legend!!
Your already handsome but that beard just amplifies that handsomeness by 10
I was the nurse in the last clip
One of my viewers let me know.
It was at 7:57 where my name was shown
It was pretty cool being in a video of yours
I 360'd that man because I wanted to, not because you asked me to.
Lol 72hrs is back i can't beleave it, i used to watch him when myers got released
Tom you stink
DC for hatch is an exploit.. you should shame.
My attempt at being featured in the next 72hrs video:
Tom is handsome and totally cracked at Fortnite.
About the comment today:
Yes, most of us console players suck, but as basically everyone knows DbD on console is really buggy/laggy. (Dead hard is useless, some killers/survivors are actually slowed down by old controllers due to the slightest of drift, and spinning people is quite difficult in my case)
Some killers are much more difficult to use on console as well, such as nurse, huntress, and basically everyone that needs aim.
Would add more but I just wanted to rant about how sucky it is on console.
(Oh, and I hate how we don't have endgame chat either.)
I hate when people DC, but thats literally the one exception to do it respectfully
that was epic
Still da goat always been da goat
Brooo lol me and my swf wore all legacy megs and we brought toolboxes for gens and switched at the last second and we had so many killers camp and shit haha we did this earlier this morning haha
im getting down my knee in front of you Lord Of Jukes<3
I don’t play this game but I wanted to comment 🤥
Crazy that you came back. Never expected you to upload more because of how trash the game is now compared to before.
ily tom
love the dbd uploads
not only tom playing dbd but tom playing dbb with dk
ur the reason why i started to play this game and it's so cool to see you back! <3
Hell naw, this is deep fake
No wayyy tom back on DBD
Didn’t expect that intro 🤣