LEGION… BUT I USED RANDOM PERKS! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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We played Legion… but I used the most random perks that would still work in Feral Frenzy. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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9 thoughts on “LEGION… BUT I USED RANDOM PERKS! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. Dragon's Grip and Oppression are 2 of the only perks that have an 80 second cooldown that triggers even when they do nothing (no-one touches the Gen for Exposed, and all Gens could be at 0 or the skill-checks could get hit). I still remember one of my friends telling me that Dragon's Grip and Pop were going to be meta… but then we had Ruin Undying lmao.

    Also, I think Oppression would be interesting if it had 20 less seconds cooldown for each skill check the Survivors hit.

  2. Hello Tatariu I have a few changes for the Legion that I think would solve their main problem: There is little to no benefit to hit injured survivors with Feral Frenzy.
    My suggestions are:

    1-Each time you apply Deep Wound to a survivor through a Feral slash, their countdown timer decreases.
    Each attack removes 7.5 seconds, meaning you would need to inflict deep wound 3 times on a injured survivor for them to be put in the dying state.
    The status effect countdown resets when the survivor is healed or put into the dying state.

    2- Hitting a survivor aflicted with deep wound through a Feral slash will also remove 7.5 seconds from their countdown.
    Homever,if the amount that needs to be removed is bigger than the lasting time itself,the timer will be delimeted to 2.5 seconds,preventing the Legion from tunneling the survivor.

    3- Reduces fatigue after exiting Feral Frenzy to 3 seconds.

    4-Update on several of their addons

    That's it Tatariu, tell me if these would be good changes and if u would also like to see my addon rework for them.


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