Legion is near unplayable at top MMR | Dead by Daylight

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Legion is effectively rendered unplayable at top MMR if you don’t have an add-on that helps you chain together hits!
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27 thoughts on “Legion is near unplayable at top MMR | Dead by Daylight”

  1. now try dealin w coordinated bodyblocks that prevent chain hits altogether c:
    legion needs work to not be virtually useless for even spreading injuries outside of specific circumstances

  2. if a killer needs addons to use their power then there’s a problem. Mischief list by itself should be base kit and then rework the existing mischief list to do something else and legion should start frenzy at base 5.4 mps (except with pills, keep that how it is ) but cap the maximum speed. Imagine if franks made it so that you get a 10% haste status effect everytime you reformed the destruction action for a certain amount of time. Also I wish they would make it so that the more chain frenzy hits you get, the less stun legion receives when ending frenzy. -.25 seconds to fatigue per chain hit

  3. What do you guys think about this, legion gets 2 mp/s quicker & and extra second for each frenzy hit, and replenishes his active frenzy bar halfway for each pallet and window they vault while in chase. All that base kit. 🤷‍♂️

  4. tbh M1 killers in general all really really suck against high end survivors. Mindgames won't work, the survivors will be on comms, perks such as made for this make chases even worse (and guess what's meta atm), bloodlust is buggy, unreliable garbage that can be delayed almost indefinitely by survivors breaking los and was initially a bandaid for infinites (which are the result of careless foresight by the devs). It's just a mess all around that really needs addressed, but I have my doubts the developer will ever, ever actually fix the numerous problems of low to mid tier killers.
    Yes, as a Myers enjoyer I am seething.

  5. Overall killer (besides Nurse and Bligh ofc…) feel so underwhealming. You're supposed to be this power role and yet some killers' basekit feels so horrible that you need addons in order to fix that, making other addons obsolete because you need two others to make the power somewhat work valiably, on top of map dependancy.
    I seriously don't know how this game survived this long but whatever….

  6. I lost my temper and complained about it in endgame chat when I shouldn't have, and I had survivors defending high mmr. There was a game where I had 3 bnps :/

  7. How can u say new haddonfield is a bad map for killer in general. It has amazing 3 gens and very little pallets and most of which are unsafe. A couple strong houses which if you just don’t chase near the won’t bother you at all and it’s easy wins

  8. I love how you bring up worst maps but forget to include topa landing that map is ass for people like me who have trouble with vision its up there with borgo and garden for the worst maps of all time in fact heres my list
    1.rotten fields-fuck the corn the yellow hurts my eyes and once again poor visibility
    2. Shattered borgo – the red is unbearable too much clutter and is too big
    3. Topa landing -already explained above
    4. Garden of joy- too big the house is a nightmare and theres just waay to many ways to lose line of sight
    5. Mother's dwelling – the updated look once again is bad for me as I have poor vision and it's only good for stealth killers and barely at that there's no redeeming qualities of it at least temple of purgation looks a bit more menacing


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