Lets Have a Chat About Spirit! Dead by Daylight

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Lets have a chat about spirit, where she places, nerfs, buffs, just a good chat.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #worldnews #world #huge #meta #spirit

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42 thoughts on “Lets Have a Chat About Spirit! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I just ask "Did you play spirit?"
    I went against plenty of survivors who made good reads.
    I learned how to counter her by the matches. .. sorry I guess that you never figured it out
    Her still being rated top tier doesn't mean she's good just shows how weak the other killers are.

  2. I already knew you never had an inflated ego and just had a confident, competitive and logical mindset because I’m similar haha. Analysing the statistics, facts and narrating your games with a more critical view point of both you and the survivors has definitely destroyed that man child image that people have tried to create about you, I definitely no longer see that black cloud around your name as I did a while back. Proof that consistency of character prevails 👍.

  3. True, you have title on some of your videos, 600% regression, or whatever. The games are still close! Adding 50 seconds to a gen (10 seconds per gen, 80 -90) is what, 62.5% "regression"? They also butchered the regression perks. The deadhard nerf will lower chase time, its enough to fill the changes in regression?

    Thats just chases though, lets say it does… The built in BO increases survivor pressure on the end game collapse. Youll may get more hooks but they'll get more escapes. Just thinking.

  4. I agree the stuff the people were complaining about was just silly. They should never have nerfed undying and ruin. Those were easy to play against because you can cleanse totems, but no one does, which is so dumb. We need to drop MMR be that's causing all the problems now. When killers in lower ranks destroy everyone sometimes, and then we have your situation where it's hard to get hooks, it's just crazy. Solo players are getting killed too. I am not good, but it is okay at this game.

  5. It’s very clear BHVR is favoring new players with every new balance change. Because who is going to spend more money on the game, a long time player that will only buy new chapters and cosmetics? Or a brand new player that has no chapters or outfits unlocked?

  6. I feel hearing exactly were she is phasing by directional ruins the point of her it but the stand still mind game did suck
    (although it still works sometimes even against good players 😏)
    Well iron will nerf is coming and I can’t be happier since it’s so incredibly unfair to go against man as spirit I hate the fact that when I want to play spirit if I’m against iron will I basically have a power that’s USELESS
    I hope this will make spirit not inconsistent to play as now cuz waifu and i love her she is dbd for me

  7. I AGREE WITH UR 1v1 scenario just make it omnidirectional cuz ACTUAL directional is so stupid man 🙁

    She feels so broken in bad way right now the directional audio makes no sense

  8. The best players in the world were pretty divided on if she had counterplay or not. Even with Team Oracles counterplay of lasting an average of around 1 minute. The tests that I saw were a bit skewed. They had one survivor in the match. That survivor didn't need to seek out gens, they had every pallet at their disposal, and were at a fairly safe place before the chase even started. They also knew when and where they would be chased at. (So they could time it) In regular games against lets just say above average. Maybe not the best, but above average, it's unlikely that a just above survivor would last a full minute. They probably wouldn't be in a chase me location. If a chase happened before hand a lot of pallets would have been lost, removing the biggest safety net against Spirit.

    Well either way, she did get nerfed, she's still a top 3 killer. So I think that says a lot about just how strong mobility is in DBD. Even when you can hear her. She is so much faster than survivors that it usually doesn't matter unless the survivors camping a window or something.

  9. The ironic thing about Spirit's nerf: Survivors cried that she had no counterplay, she has got reworked and gotten an addon that makes her chase way less counterable.

  10. The level you feel you play at, old spirit with players that have done the test. She had really no counter play. 50 seconds runs were the best..chases was 30 seconds or less. As much as the stretch res sucked for killers to go against..you had very good killers doing it with sound.

  11. i think spirit was fine the way she was i used to main spirit i dont often touch her cause of the nerfs now i have a tombstone in my backyard for spirit now 🙁

  12. The worst part about the spirit nerf was letting survivors actually hear where she was while phasing. That basically diminishes the point of her being invisible. There had to have been a better way to nerf her without doing that. She's so much less fun now. Both playing as her and against her.

  13. glad this wasn't another "spirit is s tier, next to nurse and blight" video. the "problem" people have now isn't spirit, it's mdr. it's ridiculous how they removed some decent add-ons and gave her shit ones but didn't touch on the problem child at all, makes no sense. i'm a spirit main, i know how it is to play her with yellow/brain add ons nearly every match and as survivor i can loop her easily.

  14. Pallets are really strong. I wonder if Behavior will look to reduce the number of pallets per match. They really are one of the primary tools of survivors. The devs should look at minimizing the impact pallets have on the game.

  15. Spirit was very balanced. The best players in the world were able to counter her. People that dedicate their careers to playing DBD can counter her. She was obviously a balanced killer. Not sure why the dev team nerfed her. The top 1% were doing fine. Git gud noobs.

  16. I remember when you were making those videos about counterplay against Spirit and I agreed and I was a Spirit main at that time. They ruined the character. She was about as good as Blight is now but you're right: they got their way. Maybe I'll try her again when Iron Will gets nerfed, at least I'll be able to use Stridor.

  17. I'm going to miss Iron will because I'm a bit sound sensitive and I hate listening to my character carry on but I understand why it's going so I'm not complaining much.
    A lot of people are sad about spine chill going because they're hard of hearing and that's how they compensate. I think this is a good point and the devs should introduce something in options like the heartbeat that you get on mobile.

  18. My top 5 would be Nurse, blight, Spirit with md/cb, Dredge with certain addons and artist with the right addons and perks. A lot of people undervalue Artist but If she's played by someone who has her mastered and with a build and addon combo set up, she's devastating!

  19. I have literally had survivors preach, in number, that the counterplay to Decisive Strike is to simply not play the game and go after someone else. Even when there is no one else.

  20. It’s been a while since I last played DBD, seeing the gen speed changes and mini borrowed time peeked my interest, but I’m afraid some of the fun has been compromised. Perhaps my MMR will kill all fun, or the BP grind isn’t as fixed as the devs claim on practice.

  21. After the Iron Will nerf I am actually going to try playing Spirit again because I believe she will be much stronger and maybe I will get to high mmr with her too.

  22. The problem with the devs, as Tru3 has stated before, is that if something is balanced at high level play, and requires survivors have to actually learn how to fight against, it gets nerfed into the ground.


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