Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Lullaby actually carried me this match. Maybe it isn’t such a bad perk? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Ooh another legion video! What shall he do next chat?! 😆 Love you Tat 💜
Lessss goooo another legion video
Yo how did you get more BP when you were already above 1m bp 9:35
Ya know, all this talk about Lightborn being OP reminds me of the times that i would use it to cuck survivor
I recall one time where i gave up a Adept Ghostface only to feck the survivors, and it was so worth it 🙂
(The secret is to pretend you're not using LB, so that they think they just messed up the timing)
I was trying to be fine when you abused legion but abusing huntresses lullaby… I'm dissapointed
i hope this weapon will be in the store soon
Just wan to let everyone know
I got a girlfriend 🙂
theres something subtly racist about this dude in alot of his vids, not sure exactly what it is
EDIT: something in the way he talks i think? idk