Made for This gets nerfed, but… | Dead by Daylight

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Made for This is getting a very significant nerf that will relegate it to being a niche aggressive teamwork perk, rather than a universally useful chase perk. Additionally along with the MFT nerf, the developers have also nerfed something else… 😂

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20 thoughts on “Made for This gets nerfed, but… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. this is what everybody who knows anything abt this game expected from the start. they released a broken perk, left it alone and ignored the problem for months, and then nerfed it into the ground. this is how bhvr works

  2. I don’t think the perk was problematic I just think that the devs are always trying to do a meta shift so ppl use other perks rather than running into the same perks every game

  3. I'm happy with the change. MFT was just a straight buff when injured. Lithe and SB are obvious to see when used and they have ways of working around them.

    I'm curious what Otz's thoughts on Bloodlust are. Cause now I see survivors complaining about that again, but I think it's still needed, especially for the out-of-balance maps.

  4. any speed boost in this game for both sides killer or survivor is crazy insane and the fact bhvr allowed 3% ms for survivors NOT HASTE but movement speed is just crazy it was extremely OP and people that thought it wasn't op are not good at this game clearly or don't understand actual balance. it should of never been 3%ms.

    this PERK made for this is still strong and will be used alot, it wont be used much by the majoirty of players but its insane and once people realize its still insane, the fact you can use it while exhausted is insane cause now killers can't counter MFT perk with exhaust perks and affects that apply deep wound which killers and survivors had plenty of perks or addons. MFT was easily counter with a bunch of exhaust perks so idk how i feel about this since u can no longer counter MFT, it might actually be worst if a survivor has MFT you can't counter the speed boost anymore!.

    I HONESTLY think this nerfed bad survivor players with mft while buffed up good survivor players and once they get MFT proc it will be even better for them cause they can loop u all day with it and not worry about exhaust affects.

  5. Nerf won’t change that most killers tunnel and camp themselves into high MMR and then whine that they have it too sweaty all the time. On to the next perk they whine is too OP and needs to be nerfed while never changing their tunneling ways.


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