Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
A toxic Nea just making killers rage quit or camp in DBD.
Just a video with funny edits and some DBD gameplay of me looping and outplaying killers in DBD. Don’t take the toxic gameplay to serious. Just funny moments to make you laugh.
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed. I make funny dead by daylight videos where I loop killers, juke killers, blind killers. I also do perk build videos using dead by daylights best perks. I also do toxic builds to troll killers. Looping killers and juking killers is my main thing. I also do adept survivor challenges. Maybe in the future I’ll do how to play dead by daylight tutorials. Funny survivor moments in Dead by Daylight are my main thing.
dead by daylight, dead by daylight gameplay, dbd, red rank, rank 1, juking, how to 360, killer tier list, survivor tier list, perk tier list, new killer, new survivor, new perk, new map, new dlc, dbd funny, toxic, toxic killer, toxic survivor, new chapter, noob3, how to get to red rank, how to get to rank 1, how to pip, how to juke, ayrun, thejrm, tru3ta1ent, dbd perks, dbd meta, dbd killer meta, genrushing, gen rushing, most op build, dbd meta build, dbd best survivor perk, dbd best survivor build, head on, head on stun, new meta build, new sprint burst build, sprint burst, legacy survivor, legacy killer, most efficient survivor build, meta survivor build, killer tier list, perk tier list, how to counter every killer, flashlight, flashlight build, flashlight saves, looping build, looping killers, exhaustion build, exhaustion perk, no mither, no mither build, object of obsession, locker build, smash hit, aura build, meta build, tryhard build, object of obsession nerf, genrush, new killer, the artist, ringu, the ring, dbd, haddonfield,
What do you guys think about the new perk rework/update??
Thanks for watching fam!
When is the twitch stream coming?
bruh we missed yaa
Some day you'll end up getting that 1+hr ban Who come on now homie. ;-; Gotta love dbd's hotboxes tho 🙁
1:26 and thats why hes the master baiter
Proud to be a loser ✊
Keep up the Good work👍🏼 i know one day you'll blow up.
i hate the new killer i couldn't find no way to counter him
that feng was a real one tho
Great friday~! I missed the videos. Time to chill and enjoy
I've noticed Dredges are like Bubbas first or last chase…
Love your videos keep it up!! ❤️❤️❤️
always coming through with the nea fits!! 😫
You keeping Nea looking clean as always. And another great video keep it up ♥️
Love your content bro it’s amazing been liking it
The drussy
Pouring one out this weekend for the feng 🍻 🙏🏼
I love toxic dbd no matter how much I try to be nice
Damn this video was very funny. I love these. Gotta keep up the uploadss
Hey bro where do you get the background music you use in your videos?
We missed you You’re videos are so chill 😄
Another juicer of a video. Very nice play. It was good seeing you run amok around the maps. Much love. <3
Hell yuh my dude😮💨👌🏼
Great video as always! These killer are tunnelling and camping more then usual lately, in my games anyways 😬🤣🤣
They question reality but they are in another realm called the lobby, also nice video hope you have a good day man.
By boy who you ever gonna collab with any friends or ever play killer
We missed you who!! Your nea looks super cool and I’m always waiting for new videos
Love the video! Your voice, your humor, your vibe ❤ I'm here for it
Missed you bro love the vids💜💜
who: yeah i confess i dced only once it wont happen aga- dcs twice
me: uhhhh you ok there bud?
What are the best characters and best survivor perks
running the new killer is fun haha
Yo the memes in this vid are great! The “ah” sound effect, meme explosions, one of my favorites the “I’m tired of playing with you!” All the greatest. Thanks for putting so much effort into your editing Who. Amazing vid as always.
P.S. Rest In Peace Feng
you sound hella high
This video is so toxic,
Loved it nham nham nham 🤤