MALIGNANT in Dead by Daylight: The Potential and Problems

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Dan Tack’s article on GameInformer:

Let’s talk about Malignant, my favourite horror movie of the 2020s, and the characters and map this bizarre entry in James Wan’s filmography could offer to Dead by Daylight.

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00:00 Intro
04:11 Outlining “Malignant”
07:02 Defining Slashers
09:48 Gabriel’s Power Set
11:07 The Role of Madison
12:30 A Disguise Killer?!
14:41 Power Concept
19:08 A Survivor and Map
20:24 Conclusion


40 thoughts on “MALIGNANT in Dead by Daylight: The Potential and Problems”

  1. I think your power idea is a good starting point, but its far to complicated and time consuming for the end result. Why would I pick Gabriel over Wesker? The game will almost be over by the time I have enough tokens to be useful for a single chase. Survivors will very quickly learn the best strategy vs them is to genrush leading to another twins situation where it's a cool idea that just doesn't work in the meta of the game.

  2. Something ive always found to be an interesting idea is perhaps a “split” killer like twins or your proposed idea that has one character perform a sort of “setup” action (again, like your proposed idea) but while the setup character does their setting up the normal character (the one actually taking advantage of the setup) would be controlled by an ai, so youre not just losing the game while you perform the setup. Perhaps a sort of translocator ability for the normal character would be good as well, so if your ai ends up in some random spot you could have more control over your actions. However, id also find it interesting to just see how the player makes the best of any progress the ai has made and roll with wherever they find themselves.

  3. I like your idea. Personally, I would love to play up the 'dual personality' part even more.
    1- Have it so Madison working on gens actually does make progress on them, like any other survivor. Doing so also 'charges up' Gabriel. She cannot drop pallets, work on totems or open boxes however.
    2 – Once she works enough on a gen, Gabriel bursts out and anyone within a generous area of Gabriel screams. If it is a gen, it automatically looses progress and starts regressing, as if it was kicked. If the gen Madison is working on is finished she turns into Gabriel automatically regardless of how much progress is left.
    3 – Gabriel form is very fast, but is on a timer. Using the leap attack decreases that timer, while injuring, downing and hooking survivors increases it, with hooks giving the most charges. Once timer runs out, Gabriel goes back to being Madison.
    4 – Finally, Madison can open the exit gates quickly, just like a killer. Once at least one gate is opened, however, Gabriel wakes up permanently and can leap attack without any cost, making him much more dangerous.

    This could give the killer a nice push and pull mechanic, and could lead to interesting situations, like Madison finishing a gen herself to turn into Gabriel quickly or survivors seeing Madison coming to 'help' them on a gen and having to choose between trying to get a lot of progress done or fleeing while she powers up Gabriel.

  4. It's weird because if the girl Madisons body is just a normal girls body how's having some parasite make her do superhuman things.

    Doesn't make any sense.

    It doesn't fall under supernatural but it also isn't biologically/scientifically enhanced like Wesker

    I just don't know if I can buy some conjoined twin making me do insane flips and yeet chairs so far across rooms they kill people

    If anything wouldn't she be weaker? Having two bodies to sustain in one?

    Charlotte and Victor make more sense since they can literally separate. And Victor cannot do things that wouldn't make sense like picking up a survivor or destroying a pallet or yanking a survivor out of a locker.

    Malignant feels like that one horror IP u REALLY want on a personal level to adapt into DBD that isn't likely to happen or make too much sense

    But that's fine I personally would kill for a double killer release of Dante and Vergil from Devil May Cry but that's also like malignant probably never going to happen

  5. TBH while I loved the movie and spent hours arguing with people why it's great, I don't like this idea. The main reason for this is Madison and Gabriel would have to cooperate, which doesn't make sense. We could make a story about how the Entity supplies the unborn fetuses so that Gabriel becomes stronger and takes over completely while Madison is stuck in a dream, but then there is no transformation mechanic, and they become a killer that essentially just runs creepily and has some kind of technopathy, which suddenly becomes less interesting. I just don't see how she would want to help murder people. I know there's probably a contrived way to say that Gabriel creates an illusion to make her think she is actually helping the survivors, but by the end of the movie we clearly see that she is as strong or stronger than him.

  6. i'm on and off working on a fic with Gabriel in dbd [feat twins! because having them interact would be so interesting], that includes perks and power idea, and for the power.

    Power: Sleeper Agent – With the ability to go dormant, Gabriel can allow his sister to take control. The more she helps survivors, the stronger Gabriel becomes when he takes control. Due to having a sensitive head and face, pallet stuns last longer.

    Dormant: While dormant, Madison is in control. You begin the trial in this state. Terror Radius is set to 0, and she is treated as a Survivor, with the exception of being unable to throw pallets and cleanse the last remining totem. After being in the Dormant state for enough time, you may press the power button to enter the Dominant state. All generators are blocked while entering the Dominant state, and Haste is gained for 10 seconds. The magnitude of Haste depends on the number of survivors nearby. [0 = 15%, 1 = 10%, 2 = 5%, 3+=0%]

    Dominant: The Parasite manifest. Becomes stronger the more Madison has helped. When Dominant, Terror Radius is set to 32 meters. After 60 seconds of being Dominant, press the power button to willingly enter the Suppressed state. The Suppressed state has a random chance of activating after 60 seconds of being dominant, but will not activate while in chase or while there is a downed survivor. The chance of forcefully becoming Dormant increases the longer The Parasite is Dominant.

    Dominant Manifest: Tiers reset upon entering the Suppressed state and grow while in the Suppressed state. While in the Dormant state, tier progress is reduced, and the time required before the Dominant state can be entered is increased, by performing actions that would benefit The Parasite or hinder Survivors

    Tier 1: The basic tier available upon becoming Dominant after being Suppressed. All generators are blocked for 20 seconds after becoming Dominant, and emit a distant terror Radius within a range of 16 m for 45 seconds. [Generator terror radius trumps killer's actual terror radius but counts as killer's terror radius.]

    Tier 2: Gained after doing enough actions as Madison. After entering the Dominant state, all generators, exit gates, and windows are blocked for 30 seconds, and all generators emit a dynamic Terror Radius within a range of 24 m for 45 seconds. [The strength of the heartbeat depends on how much progress the generator has.]

    Tier 3: Gained after doing many actions as Madison. After entering the Dormant state, all generators, exit gates, windows, and pallets are blocked for 40 seconds, all thrown pallets are destroyed, and all generators emit a dynamic Terror Radius within a range of 32 meters for 60 seconds. Movement speed set to 4.4 m/s for 40 seconds.

    [The idea i had for it was to have fast but deadly games. I'd compare it to nurse, where games can be very quick, but unlike nurse, the game progresses for survivors too. Generators having terror radius' reflects how he can communicate through electronics, but it could maybe be changed to only affect complete gens. The other effects he gains are a result of the entity's favor. Of course, mechanics between switching Emily and Gabriel can tweaked, but I wanted it to reflect how they might have to fight for control if Gabriel was strong enough to break free but Madison, knowing who he is now, would try to suppress him. I also wanted the power to reflect how Emily would absolutely want to help survivors escape, so I wanted her to actually be able to progress the game. It creates a unique risk/reward for both survivor and killer that isn't really in dbd yet. I will admit I'm missing something to reflect his acrobatic side, but for this power concept, adding another thing might be too much, and i hear survivors like m1 killers anyways.]

    Perks – Iatrophobia, Electronic Connection, Gemini

    Iatrophobia – The trauma received from your early years spent in hospitals trying to "heal" Emily is felt by survivors.

    Healing speed boosts from med-kits and perks while self-healing are nullified. While in your Terror Radius and healing another survivor, healing speed boosts from perks and med-kits are halved.

    Electronic Connection – You have an innate ability to indirectly interact with electronics.

    For 90 seconds after damaging a generator or while it is in your terror Radius, skill checks will become more common on it and rotate slightly quicker. Failed skill checks on an affected generator incur an additional 2% penalty to progress. Flashlight efficiency is decreased by 10%, and by an additional 15% while in your Terror Radius.

    Gemini – Two are one and one are two.
    Start the trial with one token. Gain a token for each hook state gained. When the number of tokens is odd, break and damage actions are 15% faster and successful weapon his cooldown reduced by 5%, but vault speed is 5% slower. If even, pick up and drop 20% faster and vault 5% faster, but successful weapon hit cooldown increased by 10%.

    [Gabriel's perks are simple enough, imo. Iatrophobia, the fear of medical care, doctors, etc, hinders healing with medkits, which would be useful in this meta. It punishes self healing much more than altruistic healing because self healing is a far greater problem in dbd. But, the terror radius condition for the second part could maybe be removed. Electronic connection is not too complex. But, the stipulation on flashlight efficiency is to make the perk not too strong on characters like hag for her traps or Nemesis for his zombies. Gemini is the odd one out, and the one i care about the least, but hey, conjoined twins, two faces, dual nature an all that.]

    Well, that's that! Personally, i liked your idea about Gabriel's leap. Something acrobatic definitely fits his kit. If i were to add one to my power concept, i'd probably make it a special ability rather than an attack since adding one might be too much. Like, imagine if Gabriel had a wall climb or a super jump in addition to a leap just for map traversal. Main buildings are usually very good for survivor, but with his acrobatics, it at least has a supportive use for him. Like, imagine Gabriel basically demo shredding from the garden of joy roof, or just being able to jump to the second story from the ground. It's interactive and fun and useful for the killer player while not being something oppressive to a survivor like blinks or annoying like legion's ability to vault. Anyhow, Love your content, glad to see speculative stuff like this. it's fun. May we one day bring Gabriel to dbd!

  7. Hey Pixel, I like these chapter concepts that you’ve been doing and I was wondering if you’d do one for one of my favourite franchises: Bioshock, yes it’s not horror but I feel it would fit in well. Just imagine a Big Daddy stomping round the map, a little sister on his back chasing survivors for their Adam.

    Not to mention we could also get a location from Rapture as a map, and an underwater map is something I’ve seen lots of people want.

  8. A way to balance it would be making it so dropping a pallet would instantly make you swap and have a CD to it, bc as of right now you can go and drop every pallet on the map for realistically no cost or have a way survivors can make you switch to killer mode like GF's reveal mechanic and MAYBE have more interactions with gens/doors to make them slower at the cost of charge speed per object marked, maybe you can mark 1 door and 2 gens at a time and survivors get repair speed penalties on them

  9. The only other review I’ve seen for Malignant was a lot more negative. I wouldn’t really be excited for Gabriel’s inclusion personally, but I enjoyed hearing you talk about his power concept.

  10. James Wan is one of the most influential horror directors/creators this generation. With franchises such as Saw, The Conjuring Universe, Insidious, and Malignant, you could argue that there is so much more great horror Ip’s behavior could add to DBD. One archetype for Killers/Maps/Survivors is sorely missing in the game. The sub genre of horror by the name of religious horror. Behavior has proven with Sadako and Pinhead that it can it can integrate supernatural killers into dead by daylight. I would argue their next creative challenge should come from portraying the most creatively challenging (for video games, movies you name it) version of supernatural horror. James Wan’s creations fits into this by solving the trouble with adapting Religous horror, indirect antagonists. While iconic franchises such as the Omen or The Exorcist would make for fantastic maps and survivors I don’t think Behavior could make stationary antagonists such as Reagan (with pazuzu) work. James Wan’s Conjuring franchise could solve problem in spades. The two candidates that come to mind immediately from a popularity and practicality standpoint are The Nun (valak) and Bathsheba. The two antagonist of the arguably most highly regarded first two films in the franchise. These two demons are way more direct physically in relation to their respective stories than the former older franchises and bring along haunted houses, likeable survivors , and music that are privy to that sub genre. Though I think Valak is a way more popular pick, Lorraine warren portrayed by Vera farmiga would be a slam dunk as a survivor and a great add to the horror collection that is DBD as the warrens are collosal in the history of American paranormal investigation. I would love a video by Pixel Bush to expand upon why this franchise in particular deserves representation and how it could be faithfully portrayed.

  11. i'd love Gabriel in DBD, and their mother would be a great survivor despite the age, because Bill is also an old man and i notice that people still play him enough to say he's loved in the community

  12. The film is actually really great, but it certainly has some cheesy camera pans to some characters faces during some scenes. Like the scenes I’m talking about, seem like scenes you’d see in a really old film, or one made by someone who’s not all that experienced with filming, and is just obsessed with these “dramatic” camera angles. With that said, they’re not that big a deal. Because the story of the movie massively makes up for it. And, they don’t happen often. But they were certainly noticeable to me.

  13. What do you think about the art the clown from terrifer? I mean we got another clown in the game but honestly I would like to play as this creepy clown that would probably had the most brutal mori

  14. Hi, I’ve never seen this movie BUT as I am addicted to the game, I would love you to consider the following:
    UNHOOKING- as survivor, you can unhook and it gives you a token. You can even use a medkit to heal them back up to waste the kit. However, you can only unhook each survivor once and gain a token every time.
    DEPLETION- you can make yourself look like you are using the tools appropriately and still waste them. (Ie “fixing a generator” or healing survivors)
    TRANSFORMATION- considering she is unconscious whenever she transforms, maybe treat the parasite like a superhero-esque stereotype; have her go into a locker to switch from killer to survivor and vice versa.
    Like I said, I’ve never seen the movie but I completely love the concept here.

  15. Thanks to the new Tome, I really want to see the Red Baron as a killer. The idea I had was he is a amalgamation of his plane and the pilot, since people often wonder which was the Red Baron.

  16. I pray your disclaimer at the start works like a Spell and banishes the bots!

    But to the content: I love Malignant! I went in knowing nothing, and I thought I chose the wrong movie, since I am very sensitive to depictions of DV, but I was so pleasantly surprised, and indeed, I wanted the hero/villain as a Killer right away!

    Thanks for the vid, Pixel! You're one of my favorite DbD creators. Also, weird claim here, but I have this feeling you and Stalky-Boi would get along well, and you both might have good chemistry. Don't know why I think that, just a feeling.

    At any rate, be well! See you in the Fog!

  17. Posted on discord but gonna post it here too so just copy pasting my post

    Gabriel is the killer and Madison is the survivor.

    2 alternates universes, one where Gabriel was successful (Or one where the entity splits the 2 of them) and the Canon movie version of Madison. Dbd has a multiverse, lets use that.

    Gabriel appears as in the movie and has a 24 meter terror radius (Or maybe lower, Maybe we go for closer to myers and his tier 2 form) in his dormant form. Dormant only refering to his lack of power at this point.


    Gabriel has a survivor become an obsession as a part of the power at the start of the trial.

    Every second the obsession works on generators Gabriel gains 3 charges to a maximum of 180.  Additionally when Gabriel hits or hooks anyone besides his obsession he gains 15 charges. For every injured survivor working on a generator he gains 1 charge per second. He also gains a small amount of charge like oni passively.

    When he reaches maximum charges his obsession gains a terror radius of 32 feet and reveals all survivors within it via Killer Instinct.

    At any point, consuming 30 charges (so long as he has at least 30 charges) Gabriel can swap places with his obsession preforming a 2 second transformation phase for both players as their bodies snap into place. Gabriel gains a 32 meter terror radius and causes generators to explode and regress within it and 10 percent movement speed and 10 percent, pick up, locker open, hooking speeds, hit recovery etc (What include? What shouldnt be included?) His power consumes charges at 1 per second. (Should he gain charges through hooking and injuring survivors still while in his power?)

    He may additonally use his deathly leap ability to leap forward or up at high speed with a .25-.5 second recovery consuming 10 charges allowing you leap through windows or holes in the floor, an indicator shows what can be lept to. The leap has a bit of an arc and can be used to leap over loops (Similar to clown bottle) Gabriel can activate deathly leap while carrying a survivor.

    Gabriel can chain deathly leaps together, jumping at great strides but consumes +5 charges cumulatively per deathly leap in quick conscession with a .25-.5 second cumulative recovery per leap. (Must be triggered within say 1 second of landing? So 1 second of chain leap and then the cumulative recovery. This is a movement ability and he cannot swing during it so the recovery should be low but not so low as to allow an instant hit. may need work, the chain leap window can be reduced)

    When his charges go back down to 0 he reverts back to dormant form.

  18. I never watched this movie but it made me realize how much I want a modern license that takes place in modern times. As for Art. Please figure out something! I really want to see a in depth look on why he should be in other then “his movie is good and filled with gore” and seeing you talk about the most sick and evil bag of blood in recent memory would be great

  19. My ideal concept had a slightly different powerset. I picture the ability to 2nd story leap. There's a number of high vantage areas on most maps where generators are placed and Gabriel would have the ability to leap up to those from the ground. Suddenly getting that gen in the Asylum tower or 2nd floor of Haddonfield houses requires extra awareness.


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