Mastering Demogorgon in 5 Days | Dead By Daylight

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Is Demogorgon one of the best killers in Dead by Daylight?

While streaming Dead by Daylight right after the release of The Houndmaster and chapter 34 and after chaos shuffle event, I tried to master Demogorogon in 5 days. I played 100 games as Demogorogon and the results were crazy. I found the best Demogorogon build. I learned Demogorogon tips and tricks. I created a Demogorogon guide for new players. With the new FNAF chapter coming soon, you need the best killer build and the best killer perks. I think I found a fun Demo build. I believe this could be the best killer build in the game. In this video, I walk through Demogorgon’s ability and how to play the Demo. I talk about his shred and his portal. This video gives you Demo tips and tricks and is almost a guide for Demo. Is Demogorgon the best killer in the game? Probably not but he is a lot of fun to play with.

00:00 Video Starts
01:34 Day 1 – Abilities
05:53 Day 2 – Perks
07:35 Day 3 – Best Tips
9:23 Day 4- Addons
10:23 Day 5 – Results
13:55 Conclusion

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For more content creators, I’d recommend you also watch channels like JRM and Spookyloopz. They make some hilarious content. You can also watch creators like Supaalf and Ayrun. A lot can be learned by the way they stream.

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