MAYBE WE SHOULD OF CHASED! – Dead by Daylight!

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4 thoughts on “MAYBE WE SHOULD OF CHASED! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. As a former tournament winner and semi professional Halo player (had a child early so had to quit playing) I can notice your subtle movements and I think that alot of people who criticize you and talk smack can't even see these subtle moves you make, which speaks volumes in their skill levels as well as to the skill levels of streamers they glorify (no offense to those streamers). But when watching your gameplay and seeing your movements and i just realize that you are a very good killer

  2. I can't stand the "Entity displeased" message.
    I play a really sweaty game and manage to eek out one or two kills and the game belittles me for it and takes away a pip.
    Really motivates someone to play killer, doesn't it?


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