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Edited by NOOT NOOT
== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art
My Streaming Gear
Who is the blue hair girl?
My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!
My Outro Song – Watchy
Bubba is koksak :p
There's a furry in your comment section! We are everywhere.
Imagine 100 people spamming "it's on the hill" and Jaee be like "where is the hatch! I can't find it!" 🤣😂
So now you will say the swf it's good? I don't think it's good
I laughed my ass off at "I HEAR HIM" And then the fart.
Nice vid
Damn that first match was stressful
love your videos Jaee! <3 Would love to see some Twins and Legion gameplay as im maining those two rn lol. Keep up the great work bro!
Forget the fact that jaee didn't see the hatch on the hill, should have hook the feng ming and then mori/hook jake that way even with unbreakable he could have seen chat and go for hatch but gg anyway
Freaking RAT got hatch on hill ! lol
Jaee you're the best !!!! Tie with Richard!!!
アヤヤт ̫ т♡
Bro that zarina 1st match was complete dookie ☠️☠️☠️
Jaee what’s your Mmr? I saw a two minute chase with 0 gens done.
17:04 "Sad Titanic flute noises Playing"
U used to seem more wholesome, what happened? Still enjoy the content but yeah
17:04 best moment ever
You get them jae😎 they were being super toxic so be toxic back💪😎
I did see a furry at school you weren't lying about them being everywhere
"He had unbreakable, NNNNooooooooo" literally dying XD
Yo jaee pls make a ragetage
I am surprised that no one complained about "tunneling" in the first match, especially that elodie after running at you with bt, i'd expect someone with such a small amount of brain power to cry about it in the post game chat
Hunt:Showdown is TRASH! It was good in the beta stage, but now it's only about skins and DLC shit….Crytek = Cancer. And not talk about the cheaters in the game either. Pure garbage game.
imagine teabagging the killer at the hatch like you accomplished something even though you and your entire team got carried by second chance perks.
Yes jake, congrats, even though your team got decimated like toddlers in a pitbull farm you managed to live because of a perk. not skill. a perk.
any killer mains HERE??!!
No flAme but your videos are perfect material to take a shit
How does someone play like a rat for having unbreakable? You’re running noed😂
Hey that’s me in the beginning 😜
Was that the power poggers that won you that last match?
My favorite part was when your little nephew thought he was going to die because his poop was red after eating Hot Cheetoh's and drinking Big Red.
Why does it seem like dropping a pallet no longer causes delays in survivor actions? Like, they deadhard and sprint burst mid animation? Anyone else getting this?
How does anyone watch twitch with all the visual aids and audio clutter shitting up the gameplay?
Nice I was the 1k like on the video 😼
I fucking called it, I called the DC and the unbreakable. I said out loud "DC" as soon as that person was caught, and with the Jake. "Wouldn't it be funny if he had unbreakable" I admit I was only joking about that unbreakable, but the DC I so fucking called. I know survivors too well.
11:45 laughing so hard at that little outburst