The new Killer is actually WEAK! D TIER?! | Dead by Daylight

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The new Killer is actually WEAK! D TIER?! | Dead by Daylight

Hi new killer is stinky heres why

1) Survivors can see your patrol path
2) Summoning time / placing flag takes WAY too long
3) Guards always patrol towards Killer
4) Guards patrol is too short
5) Hitting a survivor who’s being hunted ends the hunt
6) Kicking a gen ends the patrol
7) Endurance and speed on the flag pickup
8) AI very buggy and weird pathing
9) Not able to switch between killers
10) Unable to cancel patrol

Looking for timestamps? Sorry it’s just me potatolegion 🙂

Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵

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44 thoughts on “The new Killer is actually WEAK! D TIER?! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think this killer will be really fun but not too powerful unless he gets some changes. Personally I think you should have an infinite patrol window to set your path but a limited path range so it will lose part of the trail as you travel. Right now survs can just hold W to completely get out of the path because the killer can't catch up. I think you should be able to deploy all of your soldiers at once and also have the ability to destroy them yourself. The AI needs some serious changes too. I think instead of using add ons to get more of a specific soldier you should always be able to chose which one you send out but you can only have one of each out at one time. I think the detection zones should be increased by a small amount and it shouldn't require direct line of sight to trigger a hunt. I love the Evil Dead feel to this killer and I hope he gets more love in the future. Survs also shouldn't be able to see the path of soldiers and other things similar, just feels a bit too easy to avoid.

  2. I feel one change be good is if they make the pathing and flag like a freddy in his dream world were u can see it if ur close enough and make were the guys place a flag but it needs spawb after they start running making it more usefull like he said u just circal around and get it thats my only take on it

  3. I think the idea of his power is really neat…but I agree that there are so many ways in which its execution fails. Here are my suggestions:
    1) Allow the Knight to swap between Guards, each guard type having its own cooldown timer.
    2) Allow multiple guards deployed at once, up to one of each type (see individual cooldowns above).
    3) Do not allow Survivors to see guards' patrol paths or detection radius.
    4) Increase the duration of patrol. Even just an extra 5-10 seconds would make a big difference.
    5) Guards should patrol after completing a "break" action up to their normal patrol duration.
    6) Remove the "plant the flag" pathing and animation from the guard. The instant they detect a Survivor, the guard plants a flag at its own current location and immediately starts hunting.
    7) Improve the AI pathing during the hunt (so that they don't get stuck on corners and walls) and make phasing through pallets and vault locations consistent.
    8) Remove the Sprint Burst and Endurance buffs from picking up the flag (why is this even a thing at all?)

    One major change that I thought might be neat is changing the deployment of his power to something more like Pinhead, where the Knight projects his power forward to select a location to spawn the guard and the guard then patrols a limited radius around that point (radius size perhaps selectable between 2 or 3 different options while casting). This way, it is easier for the Knight to drop a guard to defend an area without having to manually draw out an elaborate patrol path (which is a huge time waster).

    Cool power…but any power that relies on AI needs to be balanced very aggressively to make sure it is effective.

  4. for me personally i just feel like there’s a ton of extra steps going on with the knight that just waste time? like id be quicker just doing all the things the guards do myself ? not sure if that’s just a me thing

  5. Wth is actually happening ??? Guy has full potato farm generating his brain…… of course it's buggy it's the PTB like tf? The Hunters are just to keep you in chase what you should be worried about is the potential pro clappin those brain dead cheeks with a giant blade brother.
    *And this experiment….. where the main killer stays in place while the minion does the work, yup that's exactly how (real) players actually play. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  6. One thing I don’t understand is why everyone feels the need to rank new killers before the PTB is even over? Things will change between now and release. A lot of people did the same with Sadako and then three weeks later had to change it. Why not critique without the ranking?

  7. While I see flaws they can iron out, it's absurd how outright trash people are at using his power well on average and try to estimate his level on a list. Focusing too hardcore on hunts rather than stalling, cornering etc.

  8. They need more than the current method to summon guards I think is the big issue

    For instance as I walk I should be able to create a guard trail that starts from where I began it from, the opposite of what we have now

    Then kicking pallets, generators, and walls, I should be able to just point my sword or something and one appears if the target is in sight, no need to go into the guard mode in order to summon, just a point and click

  9. maybe survivors either should get exposed when taking the flag or not be able to remove the guards at all. i mean survivors can also touch the birds from the artist for example, but they also put themselves at risk that they might get shot right after. this killer definitely needs some buffs if the knight shouldn't end at the lower end of killers like legion, shape, ghostface etc. they are all generally too weak sadly.

  10. The knight is pretty bad because the devs are playing it way too safe. Survivors can just shift+w because they can see everything the knight is doing while using his power. The patrol pathing, and guard detection radius are all visible to survivors; and the guards slow reaction to start a chase make him bad. Great design though despite the built in survivor catering. His power shouldn't work against him, nor buff survivors. Hell, you can even see which guard the knight will use; it's on his shoulder for all to see.

  11. I have a suggestion on how to fix the killer obviously its not out of the PTB yet but its just my opinion I think should activate in chase

    Jailer: blocks all pallets an windows while in chase
    assassin: can go through walls
    carnifex: breaks pallets
    getting rid of the endurance or the mini sprint burst definitely needs to happen and i think stopping survivors from seeing the pathing is a good idea

  12. I’m glad you kept it a buck 💯💯 Just looking at the killer and his ability seemed hella wack to me from the start. Since he’s a new character I didn’t think anyone would critique him so soon tbh

  13. Honestly knight could be a very good killer with a few tweaks such as:

    -having a small interaction to grab the banner (like a two sec interaction, forcing survivors to make a stop at the standard, denying them the possibility to destroy it while being chased by the killer BUT keep the speed buff when destroying it)

    -not despawn the guards when hitting a survivor with your M1

    -simply disable the possibility to use the power close from a hooked survivor, anti camp is a good thing to have

    -disable the detection circle visibility (or at least make it only visible at a few metters from the patrolling guard and tone down its visibility)

    -Fix the AI (increase pallet breaking speed and allow the IA to perform slow vault on windows, and maybe have an add-on allowing guards to block windows they vault and another one giving them fast vaults, as well as some increasing their movements speed and starting hunt faster ).

    Disclaimer, I haven't tested the ptb myself since my computer is dead, so maybe some of the ideas I mentioned are already in the game, don't have many ways to know

  14. Problems with The Knight in my opinion. Survivors both get too much information from showing the path/detection radius and too big of an advantage from grabbing banner. The Knight meanwhile loses the ability to see survivors during his power, loses the ability to bodyblock during the Hunt, and summons guards so slowly that by the time you place them the survivor has already ran to the next tile.

  15. Good comments as usual. The challenge is that the majority of players don't have the ability to do two things at once; two killers chasing is too much. Maybe it's your thousands of hours of DBD gaming? I think the purpose of The Knight was two-fold: 1) test and live-adapt the new AI system, and 2) keep people from looping so the game goes quicker.

    The Knight is an interesting killer and between the perks and add-ons it's pretty difficult to play against for a low-to-moderately skilled player like most of us out there. Very challenging.

  16. I feel that they need to pick a couple of high end fog whisperers and pay them to play test before the BETA.
    This will help figure out these problems earlier and give more time to add or remove features.

  17. I feel like this kilker heavely depends on the players skill, but for the rest it's mid-tier, you learn easily the power in lower ranks, but in higher ranks you'll need actual skill

  18. Another thing that is a huge problem with him that probably will be really hard for the devs to fix is that a survivor can run around a small circular object and the ai literally can’t catch them unless it’s the assassin. Makes it so his power is literally useless if you want the guard to chase someone that you aren’t chasing yourself.

  19. I always see "killers like artist are very weak to the hold W meta" why don't we say what we really mean 90 percent of killers in this game are useless if you hold W and predrop pallets its not a small weakness of specific killers it's a core problem of the game some maps of course don't allow this but alot of maps are JUST like Gideon meat plant with pallets within farting distance from eachother ya know alot of maps have setups where endfury can't even get you a hit the W meta has been prevalent since even before the artist yet it took the artist for people to notice as far as the knight he's much stronger than c tier and a bit stronger than b tier this killer can be in 2 places at once that shouldn't be underestimated then again haven't played him so what do I know 😂


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