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In today’s match we played against a very solid squad of survivors, I believe Nea was the only SoloQ player. Both me & the survivors were running the most meta builds which made for a really competitive match where both sides could win depending on some key turning points.

An important question of the match: Does DS Need A Buff? From one of the most used survivor perks, it barely sees any value nowadays. A lot of survivors go down within 10 seconds of using DS but it still can create game changing pivotal moments. Personally, I think it should keep its current state (Deactivating in endgame & with conspicuous actions) but have the stun time buffed to 5 seconds.

Let me know your thoughts,
Thanks for watching!


9 thoughts on “META NEMESIS vs META SURVIVORS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The trouble with DS is that it scales massively with lobby skill level, at the highest level it can be powerful adding 20 seconds or so to a tunnel-out chase, which can be pivotal. In less sweaty games it means the square root of bugger all, tough one to balance. But I do believe it could be buffed slightly, especially against nurses and blights, because it also scales down the more powerful the killer.

  2. The thing with ds everyone seems to forget is that it was originally 3 seconds when it came out and it was still the meta perk. They buffed it to 5 seconds because old enduring reduced all stuns to include flashlight and pallet saves. In usual fashion they nerfed the killer perk and left the buffed version of DS for years and the "defensive anti tunneling perk" was/is used offensively. Its still a good perk because with the addition of mending it resets mending and can reset a bt or otr mend into a DH.


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