My Favorite Wesker Build – Dead by Daylight

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36 thoughts on “My Favorite Wesker Build – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I found a sick build that works on him and any good chase killer: Monstrous Shrine, Pain Resonance, Agitation, Starstruck. The double scourge hook is brutal with Agi/starstruck warding them away from instant saves, giving Monstrous shrine value. His 40 meter terror radius also synergises with agi/starstruck very well.

  2. My favorite build for wesker is Lethal pursuer, bitter murmer, onryos scourge hook, and stbfl. My idea, or my playstyle with wesker atleast is to always have an idea of where people are that way I can just immediately check that area with certain confidence I’ll find a survivor and it works in a lot of the matches I play

  3. i definitely enjoy wesker but is he seriously your favorite killer? his power honestly seems pretty shallow in terms of depth and while its definitely fun and rewarding to use i cant help but feel like i could be clearing chases infinitely more faster with a stronger chase killer than weskuh…

  4. Its a fun build for sure.
    Jeweled beetle with lions medallion for add-ons is also fun because you'll almost always throw them instead of slam them due to the decreased range of the dash after grab.

  5. I'm happy thay you find him fun to play, unfortunately i don't, i'm sure i'm just bad with him but i'm playing almost him exclusively and the tracking seems to me a bit off.
    If I dash they have the time to react and dodge me, even if I try to predict their movement they just see where i'm going and change direction. Or they just mix zig zaging and hiding inside of me and i'm often unable to hit them, i find him a bit frustrating.
    I hoped that with time i would master him like i did with the other killers but the fact that survivors can react when i dash makes me unable to use his power, so he is almost an m1 killer to me. Thats just my opinion of course, i saw people do wonderful things with him, including you, but for some reason i cant.

  6. I actually use almost the same exact build. The only difference is Overcharge instead of Plaything, but thinking about it, Plaything probably offers more slowdown than overcharge anyways since it forces survivors to get off gens and cleanse their totem, meaning call of brine removes more of the gen.

  7. My favorite Wesker build ATM consists of:
    -Hex: Plaything.
    -Hex: Blood Favor.
    -Hex: Pentimento.
    -Hex: *Crowd Control/*Devour Hope/*Retribution (*I cycle between these three, but I've been using CC more).

  8. agree with brutal strenght
    its sleeper op on sadako in my opinion.
    because of her pallet breaking/manifest animation being very similair.
    if they get the bait u just run for em,and if they wont run, u just break it in between pressing your cloak.

    In best case scenario this may cause survivor to stand still and predict a mindgame while you're actually breaking the pallet

  9. The other reason plaything combos well is his dash is really quiet until he’s right on top of you. And he covers MASSIVE distance so you can run like oppression, discordance, or bbq and just hook n go. Super crazy combos and the cleansing + spraying + healing is such a time sink

  10. "wesker has basically no ambiance" flash back to a Wesker using hex plaything opening a first aid spray chest hearing Wesker laugh right before he turns the corner giving me just enough time to get to the pallet

  11. I haven't used anything but exposed Wesker. Agitation, Awakened awareness, Distressing, Starstruck. Sometimes I will replace awakened with iron grasp and just backpack the survivor through the map and pretty much expose someone at all times. Doesn't win me games sure but it is fun

  12. Glad to see someone appreciating plaything. People really underestimate how effective this perk really is as a slowdown perk and I think it's far more interesting for everyone than just "boom your gen is regressed"


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