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Myers Perks:
No Way Out
Corrupt Intervention
Pig Perks:
Barbecue and Chili
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
Sloppy Butcher
No Way Out
#dbd #dbdkiller
Tags:dead by daylight,dead by daylight gameplay,dead by daylight mobile,dead by daylight new killer,dead by daylight funny moments,ayrun dead by daylight,dead by daylight español,dead by daylight gameplay español,dead by daylight 実況,dead by daylight new,dead by daylight jill,dead by daylight salt,dead by daylight tips,dead by daylight exam,chucky,dead by daylight tips,dead by daylight #IntotheFog
Genuinely curious when did you first start playing dbd? are you an OG?
first match was too easy for you
GG as always
That survivor failed at pallet stunning you in the beginning of the second match
Super glad they changed Pig's Mori pov from first to third. W change imo

are you human
The trapdoor thing at the end hurt up to here