NEW GENERATOR UPDATE – Dead By Daylight (3-Gen Solution)

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NEW GENERATOR UPDATE – Dead By Daylight (3-Gen Solution)

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37 thoughts on “NEW GENERATOR UPDATE – Dead By Daylight (3-Gen Solution)”

  1. 8 is way too low; as others have said, jolt wouldn't be useful anymore as a high-teir perk.

    Perhaps rather than being a persistent effect through the whole match, only apply this when there's physically only 3 gens left, assuming that this isn't the case already, and maybe make a cooldown for when you can kick a gen again (the cooldown could be relative to how close-proximity it is with the other 2 gens), rather than having a limited number of kicks

  2. ahhh yes
    another nerf to lower chances for killer to comeback after a game of genrush (which happends everytime)
    happily, survivors won't be able to use the "use more gen regression perks" excuse , because now it's useless
    i'm really eager to see the day when killer players will go away, when the queue time for a game will be 20min for soloQ and 40min for groups

  3. this is such an obvious bandaid fix, if anything its a nerf because if surge accidentally procs on a generator that's at like 5% then it basically took a kick away from you. also this will be super confusing for new players unless there's a number or something that shows the # of kicks left. there's probably better solutions so i hope they experiment with changes

  4. A good change. Maybe twelve? Given the number of perks that do things on downs, twelve sounds good. However, I think a generator needs to be worked on for at least an entire second before it stops regressing.

    And to those saying jolt is now ruined; How many times do you down someone around the same generator? If jolt hits a generator eight times, either the survivors won't leave that gen alone on the killer won't. If the survivors won't, its easy pickings, if the killer won't its a three gen in waiting.

  5. As predicted the chance would be extremely problematic and be a huge nerf overall to killers and their perks, not just to endgame.

    I knew they'd screw up but as usual bhvr exceeded my expectations

  6. I'm a little worried about this. I feel like this is just how to not go about the problem. I don't see why they can't just spread the gens out further, or make it so something only applies during one gen remaining. This doesn't affect players that don't care about gens and wins, but for players that actively want to win every match, it'll only incentivize more playstyles that harm the game; like harsher tunneling and camping. Even more Nurse's or other high tier killers will pop up as well, and I have a feeling we'll see less low-tier killers. I'll have to see it in action, but I have a feeling what'll happen is that most survivors will rejoice while the killer players either scream or look at it objectively.

  7. You left an important part that survivors must repair atleast 5% of gen for it to stop regressing. Also I feel like devs chose 8 'regression events' because they for once used their statistics in a good way. But thats what ptb is for. If 8 would not be enough they can easily raise this number

  8. Better solution.
    New perk idea or a rework for Vittorio's perk:
    lets you pick up the energy from a completed gen and transfer it to another.
    When picking up the completed gen's energy the killer recieves a loud noise notification and sees the survivor's aura at all times until he transfers the energy to another gen or loses a health state (the energy will be lost and gen at which it was taken will turn to 0% and will need to be completed again). When survivors successfuly transfer the energy to another gen, the progress at the gen which the energy was taken from turns 0%.
    The perk can be used only when there is 3 gens left and can only be attempted once per every survivor equiped with this perk

  9. People are saying Surge is getting nerfed… Yes and No

    This change helps people step away from running all gen slowdown.
    Its 8 PER generator and Surge should not be burning through all 8 damages on most gens unless you're slugging, or the survivors are playing bad and if they're playing bad, then you already won.
    Gen Regression has always been meta and rough but now you are promoting using more perks than just Pain, Pop, Surge all together
    (Just because YOU don't, doesn't mean others don't before I get that comment)

  10. I'm afraid that survivors will be exploiting it. A 3-gen doesn't always happen because of the killer, sometimes it's because survivors fucked up and now they will be left unpunished

  11. This just makes me think corrupt needs to be base kit. This change nearly guarantees the win for survivors even if they mess up their gen spread unless the gens are literally lined up against one another

  12. The only thing I see wrong with this idea is that perks and add-ons will trigger the "8 kicks".

    There is no more gen-kicking meta with perks, so people who use regression perks are not using them 8 times per gen anyway.

    Whats REALLY important if they go through it is a counter. Killer is already jugglin a ton of info to have no way to check.

  13. Terrible choice, maybe if you just make gens be somewhat More away from each other 3 gen Will be fixed (+some genrush Fix because in high mmr, all the matches are fucked up fast )

  14. I think the problem with this 3 gen solution is that it can snowball to where the killer can't do anything with slowing down the survivors near the end game. Especially with perks like surge where it would eat those regression events very quickly. Maybe they can make to where this limit only happens when there are only 3 gens remaining on the map.

    But that's just me.

    What do you guys think?

  15. It's a nice change and nerf to killers that already have the upper hand, and the devs have said that in the past. "They want them stronger and more of a threat, so they have more of a hold on the matches." So the fact they are finally getting nerfs is a much needed change for the better health and balance of the game. I just hope the anti-tunneling mechanic I am hearing rumors of comes out this year too, that is needed BADLY next, to nerf them even more, after only Survs get nerfs non stop over and over.

  16. I don’t know about this change, I feel like since they added it to prevent three gens holders, then it should only activate in three gens situations. Such as decreasing the number of kicks from 8 to 4 or 3 maybe, but making it so this mechanic only activates after a certain amount of time has passed or once there’s only 3 gens left by idk.


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