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36 thoughts on “NEW GHOSTFACE ON NEW HADDONFEILD! – Dead by Daylight PTB!”

  1. This chase music give me headache. First chase music they messed up. And as expected, ghost face still weak af. Make a big open map is bad for him. Also, they seems to reveal him waaay more easier th before. Don't know if it's a bug or not ! Definitely prefer legion buffs, way more fun

  2. And ppl telling me GF is better than myers😅🤣🤣. A killer that can be thrown out of his ability by looking at him is a joke. Imagine nurse blink interrupts and she has fatigue if u look at her qhile she blinks

  3. His Reveal mechanic change looks much worse than I thought.

    Right now, Ghostface can only Stalk up to 24m away but it may be a bug (it used to be 40m away). And Survivors can Reveal Ghostface 32m away. So yes, at the moment, Survivors can Reveal you at some distances where you can't even Stalk them at all.

  4. The only reason I can see GF being weak on this video is due to Haddonfield being so damn open lol
    At least maps like Macmillan’s or Autohaven has a bunch of things blocking your body from being revealed.

  5. How are you gonna make Ghostface and Myers (two of the most dominant horror icons ever) the worst killers in the game. They're fun to play against in the stealth aspect but they can be countered so easy… Ghostface especially needs a serious buff. The devs just don't understand how to balance their game. They need to start taking in community ideas from seasoned players.

  6. its basically like old old ghostface. instantly getting snapped out the entire time. i feel like they done ghostface pretty dirty and needs a lot of changes before live servers

  7. They made it a lot easier to remove Ghost Face's stealth.. To the point its very much useless for the most part. I REALLY hope the new system for that gets scrapped and they go back to the old setup… Also.. You could have hooked both of those survivors.. But because you waffled about and then decided to put her down made it to where you could not.. You had two hooks that where really close..

  8. this is what this game is missing.. horror side .. the dev show like its a horror game where survivor are afraid of the killer.. they just dont care about the killers.. when flashlight hurts more than a knife

  9. If they wanted to make Ghostface easier to reveal, then they should've made it take longer to reveal him. Tru3 didn't even have time to get into cover before he was revealed.

  10. It's like they widened all the pathways but why? That wasn't the problem with Haddonfield. The problems were the house loops and how fences could spawn excessively long loops. I hate to say it but this version might be worse. With such open sightlines survivors, especially swf, are going to know what side of the map the killer is on at all times.


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