New Killer "The Knight" + New Map, Survivor, Mori, Perks & more | Dead by Daylight PTB

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First time checking out “The Knight”, as well as the new map and Survivor. This content is currently available on the PTB for Dead by Daylight on PC (Steam) and will come to the live servers on most platforms in usually three weeks.

00:00 New Killer & Map showcase
02:30 Killer Perks in action
08:27 Mori animation
09:50 Killer New Perks breakdown
11:00 Survivor New Perks breakdown
13:27 Add-on breakdown

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


33 thoughts on “New Killer "The Knight" + New Map, Survivor, Mori, Perks & more | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. I think Potential energy is a little bit underpowered actually, because realistically speaking you’re taking a huge risk to lose time on gens. Doing quick math, you’ll only save yourself about 9 seconds using the perk (you need to repair 30% of a gen for 20 stacks, which is 27 seconds. Each token only repairs 1% of the gen you consume tokens on, so 20% is equal to 18 seconds. 27-18=9).

    Now with that laid out, say the killer gets on top of you as you get your 20th stack: if you get hit, you lose all your stacks. So you sat on that gen for 27 seconds and repaired it for 0 % (ignoring the 8 seconds needed to activate the perk) meaning you lost 27 seconds of time for something that would have otherwise saved you 9 seconds only in the long run. Thats a 1:3 ratio, so you lose basically twice as much time as you would have saved

    The only thing that would possibly redeem this perk (though the idea would be stupid) is if you can do it on the same gen you were getting tokens from which would then make it insanely broken. Assuming this won’t be the case though (because then why wouldn’t everyone just run it?), the most optimal way to use it would be to only anti 3 gen at the end of the game, or immediately after attaining all 20 stacks going to the gen you want to be repaired. At that point though you could argue you wasted time getting tokens when you could have just worked on the gen you wanted repaired in the first place

    Despite this, personally I like risk reward perks like this but the pay off seems to minimal for it to entice me. It may be fun for meme builds but I don’t think its actually powerful or meta defining

  2. Hopefully this new killer opens up the possibility of The Legion getting a rework. Like they could change the power to where you can pre place 3/4 of the Legion in specific locations. And when you start chase, you can switch to the another member to cut off the survivor.

  3. One thing I need to know now, do break actions with the guards trigger relevant perks (call of brine, overcharge, etc.)?
    Also seems like since the guard patrol starts at the end of the drawn path, doesn't that mean you can just drop a guard directly on top of a survivor?

  4. The new Knight looks very fun to play as… yet I get the feeling that the new survivor “gen-banking” perk is going to lead to more T-bagging sessions at the gates than normal.

  5. That Nowhere to Hide with Overcharged Brine. But now, all I want is a re-re-revamp of Legion, Twins & Nemesis, well… Maybe not too much on Nemesis, just stop zombies from staring at walls.

  6. Quick Gambit is by far the better of the other two survivor perks. Having a perk that makes you do gens slower is beyond idiotic. What a dumb idea. Maybe the aura reveal would be good if you're deaf and can't hear the killer radius. Quick gambit seems like the only useful perk, but it's radius should be map wide. Running a killer close to a generator in progress is one of the dumbest things you can do as a survivor. Not only does it draw attention by eruption and jolt are some of the most used killer perks. This is beyond stupid. All three of the perks. These new survivor perks suck ass. Meanwhile killer gets one hit down from getting stunned by a pallet. BHVR is progressively telling survivors to go fuck themselves.

  7. I know you have been doing this the same way for years BUT you think you could change and remove the stream overlay when you record those videos? Or maybe you just like to give people the chance to say ,hi youtube a million times and make them happy ? 😁

  8. So what I'm seeing is, killer misses a shot or makes mistake, gets stunned by a pallet but the new perk just eliminates that mistake and gives a crutch to killer. Basically the whole shittalking killers made about Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Decisive Strike being crutch perks and giving survivors the room to make mistakes are now applied to killers, but biggest streamers like Otz are saying it's ok, so nobody even argues about it.

  9. If nemesis has taught us anything is that killers that need AI for their power is always gonna be a buggy mess….an considering they never fully fixed his zombies I don’t think this guys gonna be that great when he goes live.


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