The ACTUAL reason Nurse is OP… | Dead by Daylight

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A quick video where I talk about what makes the Nurse overpowered (compared to other Killers) and why some of the common arguments about her are actually not that relevant to this discussion.

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23 thoughts on “The ACTUAL reason Nurse is OP… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Here's an idea for a change.
    Nurse's deal was she hates people with disabilities and stuff make her power scale with injures and have add on that cause specific debuff simular to legion.

    Make it so she charges over the course of the game nemesis style with injuries and hooks maybe injuring surviors 3 times gives her less of a cd on blinking. 6 times gives her a second blink. 10 injuries give her increased distance. Obviously numbers could be tweaked and putting survivors into the dying state from injured wouldn't count.
    She could start off walking at normal killer speed and as she levels up gaining her second blink she begins floating and goes back to being 110 killer.

  2. As someone who's been told that Nurse is the most difficult killer in the game since I began playing DBD, it's simply not true. I think the only thing that is difficult about Nurse is learning how to control her range, as that actually does take some practice to get down. Other than that though, she's really not that bad. Blight is the hardest killer in the game, then I'd also probably put Cenobite, Spirit, and Artist. I'd even say someone like Huntress is more difficult, but that's also probably because I play on console, so aiming is bit more difficult due to not being as precise as a mouse would be. That's also why Cenobite and Blight are difficult (flicks are basically impossible on controller, so one of Blight's main tools I just removed). Artist and Spirit mechanically are not difficult, but they do require good game sense, as new players will not understand their powers that easily. Twins are semi difficult just because it's learning two characters at once, but really I think they're moderate difficulty, not anything too bad

  3. It’s funny when nurses who use these add ons think they’re good at the game but could not flick with billy with double engravings to save their life. I’m glad I can play a killer like billy and nurse

  4. I think maybe a good change would just overall increasing her power timer by a few seconds, and then changing the second charge timer to be like double or tripple the first timer. Reduce her up time a decent amount, and forces more precise first blinks if you want to keep chasing

  5. I think what they could do is make her a more feast or famine kind of killer, she has one blink token that comes back very slowly but every hit gives her back the token she spent and gives her an additional token up to like 5 or something other number.

    It would reward precise blinks and punish wasted blinks

  6. What I would do is remove her fatigue(not the power bar though, or, if it became too weak, even removing that, but I think that might be too oppressive. I'd just keep the 2 charges so she could always have a spare, maybe even give her a 3rd charge if it becomes too weak) when not using a basic attack after a blink, and removing her 2nd blink. Allow her to constantly use her power nearly infinitely unless she swings, but having that few seconds of her having to charge her blinks again would help immensely, and it'd remove the whole "blink to get in position, blink to hit" aspect of her power, and the survivor might actually be able to get distance to get out of her view. Her addon that adds an extra blink could still be the same, but add the fatigue back when not swinging and then she couldn't use double range on top of it to get back to semi basic Nurse.

    Or they could just do it the BHVR way and make her charges charge slower and call it a day.

  7. Bc of this kind of things i love playing nurse with the addon that if you hit a survivor after you blink, the blink is gonna be unavailable for a minute, and you have a normal killer speed to chase survivors, survivors never expect it and is really fun and more fair

  8. I suggest that she has a certain amount of blinks at the start, give her faster base movement, and collects survivors breath after a successful hit giving her a stack/use for her blink (maybe cap max stacks)

  9. Tbh, having her power charge up like Myers or Oni does sound like it could be really cool. You can keep her being really powerful, but it still enables counterplay, and gives a reward for playing around her having this oppressive power. I've seen suggestions of stuff like survivors leaving gasps of air when they run, which she can collect like blood orbs, but I could also see an argument for her collecting them from people healing? Leaves you in a risk/reward situation similar to plague, where you can either heal and grant her her power, or stay injured and risk going down in one hit.

  10. I don't understand why Otz kind of just brushed off the argument for making her blink attack no longer a basic attack. He didn't even explain why he wasn't for it. To me it makes a lot of sense. That's a huge part of her strength as well. Nerf her range addons and make her blink attack not a basic attack and she's pretty much golden.

  11. I think that Nurse is OP for the single fact that her cooldown is insignificant. Her power should work like Billy/Bubba heating chainsaw, or like mentioned in the video, something like Oni or Myers. Another thing I think would be good to change is the idea of the second blink hit should not be a downable hit, sort of a Legion's power hit, it would hurt, but if already hurt it would put the survivor into the mend state. That way nurses would need to work really hard on making their downable hit, at least that what I think, but IDK I'm not a Nurse player so I don't know if that would change anything ;D

  12. when i may cite another fogwhisperer: prepatch everyone picked nurse with the reason "only playable killer next to blight in this survivor meta". Now survivor are nerfed to death, gen regression perks are just shiftet to other perks but +- stay the same and killer got buffed. and everyone still pick nurse in a ratio which is nearly every 3rd match. (end of quote) When they don't dramatically change her this game will be doomed.

  13. I think her kit as a whole is broken. She doesn’t require any perks or addons and unlike other killers who have a strong base kit her addons are pretty good.

    However. I am fine with this because imagine how mad people would be if she got a full rework? All that time to gets wasted.

    I compare her to a pyramid head with wallhacks.Ignoring most mechanics in the game. What balances pyramid head are his addons are.. eh. And I say”wallhacks” because she can blink to get visual of survivors through a wall.

    If you wanted to address nurse.. nerf her addons and increase her cooldowns, maybe make fatigue hit her a bit harder.

    I don’t think you should nerf exposed and should nerf everything else for game consistency. A basic attack should proc on hit effects always. As a new player I would expect on hit effects to apply just because it binds to the basic attack button and works like a normal basic attack.


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