New Killer Wesker is Here! New RPD Too! All New Perks! Dead by Daylight PTB!

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New killer wesker with his new perks and the new RPD map

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39 thoughts on “New Killer Wesker is Here! New RPD Too! All New Perks! Dead by Daylight PTB!”

  1. The sounds of his footsteps is distracting to me because they make him sound like he's moving faster than he actually is – it's as though he's taking lots of tiny steps to move at a normal walking pace.

  2. My personal initial thoughts and observations about Wesker:
    – He can easily catch up in an open field, but dependant on something to actually slam into
    – His looping isn't very strong, he has wonky collision that kills his momentum and his charge speed is terrible. (Why there isn't a charge speed addon is strange)
    – Vaulting pallet is cool, but without being able to use subsequent charges, survivors can simply wait for you to vault and vault the pallet before you have recovered.
    – Missed opportunity to have an extra charge of his power as an addon
    – WHY does he have a 40m Terror radius?

  3. He seems like a strong killer probably A tier but he needs the blight treatment cause his collision is very unforgiving and will stop you if you don't line it up 100% perfectly. Plus his hitboxes also kinda need tweaked some throws/slams Don't count when they should and vise versa.

  4. You have to use your power. Going for m1 is not incentivized. Unlike nemesis where the infection is a slight annoyance, wesker infection actually hinders the survivors, by applying…. hindrance if they are fully infected.

    So if you infect ppl a lot and they run out of med spray to get rid of it, they will be permanently hindered and one shot with power.

  5. Map wise, its the same map with just a few tweaks.. Some areas are better.. But they have made it overall a bit more survivor sided I think. At least so far that I have seen.. First impressions and all.. Something that can easily change opinion wise. ( There are more safe/god pallets. They also tweaked a few areas.. If anything I think this map is slightly bigger than it was previously due to how a few of the rooms are now bigger than they used to be. They also added odd little loops to some of these areas. )

    Overall I do like the looks but they need to stop it with the safe/god pallets… At this point I am also agreeing with you in the possibility that they might not even know what a safe/god pallet is.. Remember how they thought looping was going pallet to pallet? Also that time when they thought flashlights where fine when they could instantly blind you from any direction.. Or you know.. Further back when they really thought infinites where not a thing… More examples exists of course of them having no clue when it comes to the things that go on in their game..

    Oh and… That one cosmetic for Wraith is STILL bugged. Would love to use it since I like the way it looks but its already easy enough to see the shimmer, do not need to give them more of a clue by having fire like wings showing.. ( I still love the Blighted cosmetic set at least.. I still use the body, and head of it.. But with Legacy weapon since I feel the weapon looks good with that outfit. )

  6. Whesker is cool, needs smoother collision to be truly good, great animations and music, but RPD feels the same but with more pallets, I thought the point was making it better for both sides, not just survivor. Too many god pallets.

  7. Nemesis better get a buff at some point or Wesker will overshadow him.

    I for one would like to see a 20% range on the whip and give him 3 zombies instead of just 2.

  8. Right now, probably high C-low B just because of how unforgiving the collision is. If they fix the collision though, he seems really powerful.

    But yea, I was excited for the RPD rework, and they somehow managed to make it worse. And I got 5 matches on this terrible map in a row, new RPD is the only map terrible enough to make me instantly DC


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