Niche Perks for Niche Builds… ~Dead by Daylight~

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At least they didn’t completely dumpster the usability of the new perks.
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36 thoughts on “Niche Perks for Niche Builds… ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. A whole perk slot that gets used for a couple of seconds? Why? It should have some sort of passive secondary effect after the first effect so that it doesn't become a dead perk for the rest of the match…

  2. fun perks > good perks, unfortunately that only applies to survivors as killers need strong perks to stand a chance </3 even against meme’ing survivors, says a lot ⛹🏻

  3. Ummm, I’m gonna comment on this I guess
    A lot of the RE perks are like beginner friendly so they are very redundant to us
    Leon hiding failed healing skill checks and showing you regressing gens so you know where to go
    Jill, being 50% healed already, showing you totem spawns if you don’t know them already (you don’t need to do the totem the perk shows you btw)
    Both having a way to blind the killer to get away even more (flashbangs would be interesting to deal with tho)

    Nemesis Perks tho… god
    Okay, showing you survivors spawns is nice… for a perk in Year 6, game sense does this already (its rare the match where you just don’t find anybody before a gen pops)
    I wish Hysteria worked like Blood Echo, because Blood Echo activates when you hook a survivor so you can actually use the oblivious to sneak up on injured survivors (activating while injuring a survivor is dumb because you’re already chasing that survivor)
    Eruption doesn’t have synergies whatsoever, you need to actually kick the gen, if it activated on gens that regressed progression at any point on time (ruin, surge, oppression) still wasn’t going to be good enough because 90 seconds of cooldown, too much setup

  4. while some persk are more lackluster, I actually think the perks they added are really cool, at least for survivors. firecrackers were this super niche and rare thing to use, so i think its great they now have a much more usable form with flashbangs nd being bale to trap a gen can be a really fun thing especially when you get into 3 gen scenarios and stuff. I dont think perks need to be meta defining to be good for the game. at the end of the day, this is overwhelmingly a casual game, with high degree of players playing casually. ill take fun but niche perks anyday over something that is outright super good, because i think its fun to give yourself your own mini objectives. like breakout is one of my fav perks because it makes yu really try to go for saves even without a flashlight, and when you pull it off its super fun, like id rather die but get several saves like that over escaping and just doing basic objectives

  5. bro does anything please you? you're soooooo picky about this stuff. you dismiss the perks like they're nothing just because they aren't gonna be meta, regardless of if they are fun or not to use.

  6. You know what does what Lethal Pursuer does except works through the whole match? Whispers.
    The devs are literally releasing a Whispers that only works for 7 seconds at the start of the match. It's a slightly more powerful effect sure. But Whispers allows you to find at least one survivor and works at any point during a match when you do not already know where survivors are. The only maps where lethal is significantly better are indoor maps vs immersive gamers.
    So yeah, I think I will keep using Whispers on my Wraith, thanks though for the new perk Behavior.

  7. Blast mine is a meme perk but it's an amusing one like pebble (just not as useful). Hysteria seems pretty damn useless. Many new perks are for the extremely casual and not "high ranks". I think Lethal Pursuer will get used a lot on certain killers like Ghostface and Myers who can take advantage of the info.

  8. Honestly some perks would be better/more consistent with just a slight tweak. For example Fixated and Second Wind, while not the most game changing perks they have a good place with the changes they got. Fixated just always being on and Second Wind not taking an eternity to heal you. Lethal Pursuer while not being the worse perk is just useless after the start of the game. If it had another small effect like 5 tokens and every minute you get a glimpse of the survivors locates for like 3 seconds it would be better, maybe not what I suggested, but it just needs something else. Really 7 seconds isn't that long and only really Billy/Blight can make use of it every game.

    If they changed Eruption to allow perks like Oppression and Surge to apply the marker to Gens then I'd say it'd be fine. (Excluding perks like Hex: Ruin obviously).

    Hysteria is fine IMO. Maybe make the Oblivious perk the same duration as Blood Echo to be more consistent and give it a partner perk.

    Niche builds are fine as long as they allow multiple characters to use them in a various builds. For example, Unless you are running damage speed addons on wraith with brutal then kicking gens will take too long for Eruption to be affective thats why I think the perk is poop. Instead just give it a combo perk or two to work with so their can be niche builds that still have a solid place with killer. Same thing goes with survivors.

    Make perks affect/work together. Just don't go overboard.

  9. I love that survivors are constantly catered too and we get a killer with reused perks while survivors get meme perks to be annoying with lmao 🤣 let's be real the devs are biased and allow toxicity and one sided behavior in there games

  10. Gonna be real…The Flash Mine is gonna be abusive…Not only does it Blind and Stun the Killer, but it also interrupts the Kick animation.

    So let's paint a picture shall we? Killer has Tinkerer and Pop, he hooks a Survivor while Tinkerer activates and rushes over…He makes it to the Gen with a couple seconds left on his Pop, scares a Survivor off the Gen so they don't finish it in his face and roars triumphantly as he kicks the Gen…Then…Boom! Flash Mine detonates, his Pop runs out of time, and that survivor rushes to finish the Gen right under his nose.

    Now let's use that same scenario but add in a second survivor with the Mine…As the Mine explodes, the second survivor rushes up and activates their mine then runs as if they were caught trying to finish the gen when the stun/blind wears off. BOOM! Second Mine goes off when the Killer thought they had barely scraped together a save on the Gen.

    Now let's add in a Comm Teammate with Repressed Alliance who protects the Gen diring the Stun/Kick animation.

    As for the Flashbang, the PTB already showed how obnoxious survivors can be with a Head On Stun paired with a dropped Flashbang upon exiting the Locker. Double Stunning the Killer essentially.

  11. I think running meta perks is boring as hell. Personally the game is more fun when you play memey builds as opposed to sweating your ass off. If I play my memey build and it works I really dont care if I die and it feeds some r a n d o m youtubers winstreak I don't the problem with that

  12. I think Lethal is completely useless like 7 secs of auras imo is completely useless.

    Now if it was like while in chase u see all the other survs then it would be very good then!

  13. The devs have been doing this the past couple chapters and it’s getting so upsetting MOST of the recent perks we’ve been getting in chapters are just so useless and boringggg like this is just slightly different from an existing perk??!?!

  14. Remember, it takes months of hard work to create these creative perks. This is probably going to stay this way for a long time. A new chapter comes out, theres one perk thats useful. Theres one perk that his supposed to be fun but has 3 condtions tacked on it and the rest are forgettable redudant nonsense that clog your bloodwebs. Oh, and don't forget when they nerf one of those medicore perks when it hits live.

  15. Some of the survivor perks are kinda eh apart from the gen mine and flashbang, but I actually think all of the killer perks have good ideas behind them. I think they each need some minor tweaks to make them truly good but I see a lot of potential for all of them.


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