No need to be SALTY! Mad about Add-ons?! | Dead by Daylight

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No need to be SALTY! Mad about Add-ons?! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoMyers here I hope you’re keeping very well!

I mean… you kinda forced me back to hook soooooo no need to be salty?!
Short salty video I recorded while off camera!!
I hope you all enjoy! 😀

Watch the whole thing 🙂

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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DBD​​ #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer


32 thoughts on “No need to be SALTY! Mad about Add-ons?! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I like using myers but even I know that he does need to have some perks in order to help him and you have to be smart about how you use your perks. Also they stayed nearby instead of running away and when I play against a myers as soon as I see him I try to get as far away as possible and I try to avoid leading him to my teammates or helping him get tier 3. Myers isn’t the best killer but he isn’t the worst it all really comes down to the perks you decide to use and the survivors ability to effectively play against different killers and the knowledge of how the players can play against the killer and unfortunately it seems like a good amount of people don’t understand that and complain or get salty if something doesn’t go the way they want it to go

  2. At this point people are gonna bitch about brown add-ons. Lol.

    Happened to me while playing Legion. Just unlocked them so I only had the poopy add-ons. 4k'd and the survivor bitched about my BROWN ADD-ONS that adds barely nothing to frenzy. Bruh.

  3. listen if ppl really get mad cuz they lose to a really weak or low tier killer, then these people SERIOUSLY need to touch grass cuz its either that or a quad slowdown nurse or blight with busted add ons LMAO

  4. today in my 2 games, in the first i used lightborn because they were in lobby with 3 flashlights, when i downed the first survivor "claudette" because she was trying to blind me when i was breaking the pallet, she DC in the hook. in the second game, they just gave up when they understand i was using lightborn. And they started to be toxic in chat becasue of that perk. I mean, i have to get blinded just…Because you use a flashlight?

  5. If you was running tombstone piece I could understand, considering that addon is both insanely frustrating to go again (usually you just die instantly because someone else misplayed) but it's also unbalanced as all hell. At least the full tombstone makes you a lot slower, forcing you to dedicate a perk (PWYF) to actually use. Piece really really needs reworking.

  6. Since my gf broke up with me I haven’t been able to enjoy dbd anymore at all (cus we used to play it together) but watching you brings those good memories back and i appreciate that a lot keep going what you are doing

  7. That Dwight made like 20 mistakes if they anything they should be complaining about mmr because these bots shouldn’t be matched up against you lmao you’re too good for them

  8. bully squad survivors need to stop feeling like they are superior, they use ds and head on and other bully perks but they literally complain about the killer having an addon that buffs him slightly.

  9. It went fast because they stayed too close to a tier 3 Myers and all went too close to the hook together. Also they made it easy to stalk as well. Your better off going into a locker against teir 3 and the others being far away. if he has tombstone he can't use it. Many ways to counter Myers. Not all being together as well his talk is easier with more people near the area each other.

  10. Myers strength is all add-on based and nothing else tbh. If he has no good add-ons he will struggle, if not just get destroyed by the right teams. If he has good add-ons he can apply solid pressure to survivors but can still be outplayed quite easily since he has to tier up. If he has great add-ons (judith/tuft) he can be one of the scariest killers to go up against if the team he goes up against has little to no communication and he can stalk them but can still can negate the better part of his add-ons by hopping in a locker. To get salty over this killer is just wild to me…..they just hate the game in general when things don't go their way….nothing more

  11. Here's the real question how can they bring in the most horrifying killer but they made him less scary with his add-ons the only time he is very very very very scary is mirror Myers spoon Myers however people call him he is name different ways with these add-ons lol but seriously he needs some very more scary perks I mean getting the tier 3 very quick can be scary lol 😋😋😋😋

  12. I couldn’t care less about any add ons on myers ever with the acception of a couple of his busted add ons. Such as the one that allows him to Mori in tier 3(because obviously that add on is busted) and scratched mirror being more of a nuisance when I see it, it’s always the same corny lerys with wall hacks who proxy camps the hook to death or for trade when they start getting anxious. I find that very annoying because it’s just simply unfair in my opinion under the mainstream stereotypical circumstances where they dedicate there build to it and the lerys offering is thrown.


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