No Perks Legion at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Simply queuing at rank 1 with The Legion, except I have no perks or addons.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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50 thoughts on “No Perks Legion at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. I think BHVR needs to nerf repair speeds or generally impede survivor progress with extra objectives. It speaks volumes about how survivor-sided the game is when gen-halting perks are absolutely mandatory in order to get anything done. If even our boy Tofu can't do anything without those kinds of perks, what hope do all other killers have?

  2. legion doesnt rely on perks to do specific things because of their built in tracking, chase n slowdown power BUT theyr 1 of the weaker killers and jus relies on Having Perks no matter what they are

  3. Legion change: make it so you only get stunned when you cancel your power but if the bar runs out you get a five second period where you can hit someone like normal, but if you don't you get stunned and if you do you just get the wipe animation

  4. For the clown are you going to wait for the new update to do it with his rework or are you going to do it as he is now? I think you should wait for the rework to do it so he has some more depth to him but thats just me its really up to you. Love your videos keep up the good work!

  5. your really bad at legion like that first game could ahve easily been won if you had waited half a second longer you made at least 7 mistakes because you wanted to get the hit as soon as possible which made you miss or hit the wrong person

  6. Something I learned about the killer instinct mechanic thanks to Legion is that unlike normal aura reading, killer instinct sees through lockers. So don't try to hide in lockers against a frenzied Legion, you're just going to have a bullseye plastered over the door of the locker.

  7. Haddonfield on Legion is probably the most not-fun you can have in DBD. I had Umbra as a survivor on that map once and she used it as a tutorial for why Haddonfield is a bullshit map to her stream.

    Props for doing well though!

  8. Hey tofu! , you should try the 0 terror radius doctor, basically Calm notes and Calm II, Monitor & abuse and Furtive chase, you can also combine whit make your choice or something, the only problem is whit the static blast, but you could combine whit whisperers or something

  9. Yo tofu, this might be unrelated but how do you think twins are played? As in how do you play twins. Im asking because I've been having a little trouble with pressure. Usually I have the two on opposit sides of the maps, and whenever I do cling onto a survivor with victor, they throw him off and heal right away because I don't know exactly where I hit him at.

    If anyone else whats to tell me how they play twins then go right ahead, it might actually help me be better at them.

  10. Damn they really sacrificed that one player. Tbh that was a bit scummy and I don't understand try hards. Like the most fun people have in this game is going for risky plays and helping your teammates. I guess it's just me

  11. Hey, Tofu, after this series. Please start a survivor masochism series where you only use their worst teachable perk. I know it's not gonna be that hard cause I've seen some youtuber play in rank 1 with no perk at all but I still wanna see it.


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