OK NOW ITS SCARY! – Dead by Daylight!

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42 thoughts on “OK NOW ITS SCARY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Cant wait to see 5k hour killer mains getting run by 200 hour survivors with this new windows buff 😂🤣 some solid killer nerfs also, great job devs, I'll be sticking around a bit longer to support the game.

  2. They should just have it where the killer gets rid of the boon totem it’ll go back as a hex instead of a dull totem. That way survivors will need to break the totem.
    Except haunted of course cause it’ll just go off a lot

  3. Can't wait until you go over the Wraith nerfs. They actually tried to claim he was "a wee bit overpowered", it's like we're playing two completely different games from these devs.

  4. 2:00 Sorry Tru3, but currently… I feel that killers should just play the game in whatever way they want, not only the game is working against killers, but the developers are as well… I'll be happy if killers just start making the life of survivors just miserable, having the survivors calling you names and etc… is a small price to pay to be honest.
    Killers should just do whatever they want until the devs fix their shit game or turn killers into bots only.

  5. Solo q just became even more of a nightmare now that they nerf keys and hatch, you'll have dead beat players waiting it out all game for hatch and doing no gens or anything, it was a thing before now its gonna be way worse .

  6. Windows of Opportunity, Built to Last, Kindred, Dead Hard/(Lithe?)
    Bring a medkit, always have heals, always have escape plans, always have knowledge.
    Also, We'll Make It & Built to Last, could make an extra charge medkit go for miles

  7. hi true i know that you are good at shooters and love strategies and skillfull combat and mind games, maybe you would like to try a game that just got out called lemnis gate , love your content truelove <3

  8. I’m reposting this on posts to get peoples opinion, if you have suggestions for my change to boon totems, please tell me.

    I play both killer and survivor almost equally, if anything I play killer a little more, so I think it’s fair to say I’m unbiased. My idea for boon totems is similar to otz. Like him I agree if the killer kicks it, you shouldn’t be able to make another one.

    But I think survivors should be able to unbless their own totem in order to keep the perk and place it somewhere else. As for the speed of unblessing a totem there could be a couple of ways to go about it, you could increase the time it takes to unbless it by 15 seconds versus blessing it, you could be tracked by killer instinct if you try unblessing when your too close to the killer, or increase the time it takes to unbless a totem by a percentage, when in the killer’s terror radius. This would make it so you wouldn’t be able to do it as the killer is approaching you. If you pay attention you might (emphasizes on might) be able to keep your perk. With a change like this their’d be a much bigger risk for survivors to keep it up for too long. The safer a survivor plays to keep it alive, the less time their helping their team with unhooks and gens. Survivors that play like this would be a lot more useful to their team in the late game, where any slight tilt in advantage can completely change the outcome of the game. However the downside would be early game. Playing like this early on would be a burden to your team, lengthening the early game, and causing you to lose pressure on the killer. And survivors that are more confident in their placement would take a gamble for a huge benefit, like a killer using a hex totem.

    As for blessing a hex maybe increase the time to bless by 15 seconds. Also I think if a hex is spawned later on in the match rather than spawning in the beginning (noed and plaything), the totem should prioritize the hex . I also don’t think that a blessed totem should push the hex on a dull totem, but rather treat all blessed totems like dull totems (that way the survivors can’t just force a hex onto a dull totem they’ll destroy later). However I don’t think that this should completely disable their perk. They should still get it back, but maybe with a 30 second cool down. I think undying should also work that same way (like noed and plaything)

    Note: I don’t play pc so I don’t know if hexes like noed can currently occupy a blessed totem. All the info I get is from content creators.

  9. Dead by Daylight developer Behaviour Interactive has announced that the Stranger Things DLC pack for its hit survival horror multiplayer game will be getting delisted on November 17, 2021, at 2:00 pm EST. … Sadly, the Hawkin National Laboratory level will be leaving the game completely.

  10. Can the killer mains get a perk that counters the endurance effect?? Maybe a hex that stacks to 5 tokens and that the endurance effect is ignored! Would be a perfect perk to counter borrowed in end game. Any thoughts?

  11. Devs nerfing killers reminds me of politicians pandering to the majority. Majority of people in guessing play survivor, so you cater to them and nerf the killers. You please the majority but there are consequences. The game needs killers and decentivising an individual to play killer hurts the game overall. Pure democracy is apparently a great danger even in the gaming world.

  12. I don’t understand. These Devs clearly update the game to please survivors and yet, they still haven’t gotten rid of noed. Keep in mind I’m a killer main snd I find the perk so stupid. Why punish survivors for finishing the objectives.


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