Oni & Tiffany Gameplay | Dead By Daylight (No Commentary)

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Oni Perks:
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
Brutal Strength
No Way Out

Tiffany Perks:
Brutal Strength
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
Rapid Brutality
No Way Out

0:00 Oni
10:52 Tiffany

#dbd #dbdkiller
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8 thoughts on “Oni & Tiffany Gameplay | Dead By Daylight (No Commentary)”

  1. I just want to say something because I have the feeling that in many of you're Videos, you get flamed for camping espacilly at 5-4 gens or tunnel for that matter. I just want to say that I'm a killer main so I understand why you do that because if you would'nd have done that in the Oni match, you would have lost it because gens where flying…so I understand its a stradegy but I belief you dont get any credit from others so…..good job.👍


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