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Maurice is back and now is a playable killer in the form of a skin for Dredge! The build here allows us to embrace Maurice natural ability to keep moving forward!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay rank 1 Dredge Gameplay!
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I like fish
That fact that Dredge makes horse noises with this skin makes it 10 times better
Wait are you a horse? I just want to make sure I’m not seeing things.
Ok that slushing slimy sound as you move is quite offputting it’s making want to go wash my ears.
Dissaloution would have been AWESOME VALUE
Dredge has always made that noise on base skin
What a strange build🤔, kinda proves my point tho about what I said before that it doesn't matter what perks Red bring he most of the time gets 3ks or 4ks! 🤩
Red, will you do another Dredge build but this time, it will be about scaring the survivors? The build will be:
Third Seal
Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain
For Add-ons: Malthinker's skull and any add-on you like.
Also include an indoor map offering to make it more haunting.
The premise of the build is to build nightfall and blind them making it like a horror movie. Good luck!
I think BHVR really missed out on an opportunity to have the dredge do a loud NEIGH when he comes out of a locker (unless it does and I just can't hear it). Entertaining as always Red, love the videos and phrases (I find myself routinely saying to survivors "you wanna talk about it?")
These survivors are going to have a dredgeful game with this one
I was surprised to see no dead hards both games
the horse noises are such a good add in 😭
You said I bring Tacos when chasing Jonah Vasquez? Interesting 😊
Has Maurice's return been explained in the lore? How can he still be alive if Dredge ate him? 😄
the bone noise is present in basically all of dredges skins (probably minus the doll skin)
8:28 That Claudette got trampled with karma
I got a fun build for ya!
“The everywhere and no where doctor!”
Doctor w/ double Calm addons
Unnerving presence
Double Calm addons will add 14 meters to the terror radius when Static blast is OFF cooldown and take 14 meters off when ON cooldown.
Distressing will add 8 meters to his base terror radius.
He’ll have a 54 meter terror radius when Static Blast is OFF cooldown (and 66 meters when carrying someone with agitation)
And a 26 meter terror radius when static blast is ON cooldown.
Reds so used to mind gaming that he tries to hide his red stain even when he doesn't have one 😂 7:08 he's undetectable in Nightfall but moonwalking. Mind games are in his DNA.
Pretty sure dredge is my favorite killer just from esthetic he just looks so cool and the horror of having a black mass full of body parts human and otherwise is pretty scary stuff.
Should i get knight, onryo or pinhead?