OP FREDDY! – Dead by Daylight!

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25 thoughts on “OP FREDDY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Freddy does need a nerf.

    I came from Wraith and Clown as I started playing Freddy and it was just hilarious.
    I got to the same total playing strength after about 5 games.
    His power is so easy to use, but still so strong!

    Dream projection enables you to commit to chases because you can teleport back to your gen faster.
    It allows you to apply pressure on multiple survivors by faking it.
    And it gives you high mobility in general.
    Finally you can use it in chases here and there, if survivor are running towards a gen.

    Snares enable you to get the hit or pallet much faster and they give you some free information on top of it.

    And thirdly there is dream world, which works passively. It counters borrowed time, and creates some gen slowdown, and helps to approach survivors stealthier (oblivious).

    IMO they could just take the entire dream world effects (except snare activation) out of the game and Freddy would still be strong enough.

    I only needed 5 games to get used to placing snares mid chase without losing the survivor or bumping into walls. That's it. Everything else works almost on its own. There is no mechanical skill required, you just need to have a sufficient strategic/tactical understanding to use his power efficiently.

  2. Lol. Only thing that’s OP in the game is gen speeds. What were your team mates even doing. 1 gen by minute 3 ? Game is dumb at the high end and takes zero skill on the part of the survivor. And before the hate flies in I’m a terrible survivor as are my mates and we blitz killers all the time by just being gen efficient. That’s it. Not good at looping, don’t even use all the dozens of OP second chance survivor perks. Just focus gens and use comms to run away. That’s it. I dunno how TTV people stream survivor side stuff it’s so boring to watch. Dousey challenge thing is good at the minute but that’s different than SWIF just destroying killers. It’s a shame cause in the mid (two outs loads of chases, last second escapes etc) it’s brilliant but once you hit that red rank 1 killer, get ready to be TTV sweating every game.

  3. I think freddy strong but not OP but then again that's just one man's opinion and you can't have that in this community. I would die laughing if the dev's decided to nerf freddy and the only thing they decided to nerf was his pallets.

  4. Feel like he underestimates clowns anti-loop. Its not just a slowdown by 20% that covers half the bloodeh map – it also blinds them so they mind game them selves at pallets and vault into death for no reason. Combine that with the fact you go devour + haunted grounds, the chases are so short and its honestly so much fun imo. Freddy on the other hand is a snare that does fuck all and they still get a fast vault anyway, and even if they get slowed its so fucking tiny they just go straight to the pallet anyway. Pallets are way more fun, the devs themselves have said that pallets are better than snares (LOL?), granted they too only work 1 in every 15 games.
    Freddy is only good for gen defence, no point in defending gens when you're not even a killer in chase ;/

    Anyway, old freddo with M&A was the dream, these devs are anti-fun – proof is trickster + pyramid.

  5. Yea in theory all killers lunges are the same based on movement speed but in game they don’t play out the same, I get hit thru windows and pallets by Freddys WAY more than any other 115% killer and I think a lot of other people would agree, maybe it’s latency but why does it only seem like hag or Freddy have ridiculous lunges

  6. i dont think freddy is op, but hes certainly a very strong killer, the dream state also negates borrowed time, which makes survivors waste time waking up to go for saves. and like true said, he has great synergy with gen defense perks like pop, ruin, tinkerer. all in all hes definitely in top 5 strongest killers

  7. I just want them to fix the hit detection BS. Anything else I don't really care about, they should be focusing on other killers… Like putting Trapper's Traps in lockers.


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