Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg



1) AFK 30 seconds at start
4) No Map offerings
5) Must slug for 4 kills! You can give a pity hatch but YOU must take them to it
6) Any DCS at the start cancel the run
7) Any cheaters and the run is cancelled

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#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DbD​​ #BHVR #Legion



  1. The game is survivor sided based upon your play style. If you have to play the absolute shittiest games just to compete with a weaker role then there needs to be plenty of buffing to the killer roles

  2. Just imagine some perfect selected 4 survivers and a killer, such as they have same level of skill, and then they play for like 10 games on somewhat balanced maps, survivors will win more i think. Imo Dead by Daylight is more survivor then killer sided. And when OTZ says "here is my personal experience, therefore this game works like this" it doesn`t sound like an argument to me. Just look some competitive games

  3. if anything this challenge clarified what the definition of "the game is survivor sided" really means. what it really means is that:

    As a killer I have more fun NOT tunneling, camping, slugging BUT I feel like IF I DO NOT then i have little chance to "WIN" (WIN = 3-4 k or 10 hooks with 2 kills)

    We killer mains DO NOT WANT to play like this constantly but when we dont we are taunted, tea-bagged, and still called trash by survivors sometimes to the point of a no win scenario. like if I had a fun match but then get post game chatted out of my fun or held hostage by survivors hugging the escape line and tea bagging up to the last second, then I may as well play to win since both instances are less optimally fun.

    And dont come at me with "just dont feel bad about tea bagging" or "its just words get over it" we may be killer mains but we are people too and the same words over time do affect us just like if these things were said to your face on a constant basis at work.

  4. This challenge has shown one huge thing. If one side plays sweaty and the other doesn't, that side will likely win. If you play a low tier killer with a funny build, you will be bodied unless survivors are clowning around to. If you decide to camp stages, tunnel people out and play very unfun for both sides, the survivors have to sweat or they're going to have a bad time. Really shows dbd is being balanced around the wrong things by the devs

  5. I think the results are too capable of being influenced by outside variables to make a call.
    If you got 4 man SWFs with meta perks and toolboxes every game then the results would look different.
    If you got the opposite, it would again look different.
    You’d need to run this multiple times to actually get an accurate average of Survivor vs Killers.
    Then you’d need to run it under different scenarios, 0-4 perks and different timeout vs no timeout at start VS SWF and non SWF, then playstyle changes from both sides.
    This is to see:
    The impact of killer perks
    How long a killer can go without chases at the start
    The difference in Non SWF vs SWF games
    Then, the true impact and which strategies are more impactful and useful.

  6. I think it depends on how many gens are left to camp and tunnel for example 2 gen are left and Dwight is on his last hook but you need someone dead then 100% go for Dwight but the backlash is that no one is being stopped of being off gens and if ya lose you blame the game or the survivors for it it's a when and where situation I think. In my opinion but having. The 4k mentality is probs the reason why people get so toxic when it didn't go their way for both sides, but a killer shouldn't be useless against a team on comms as I think that's kinda selfish for killers it's swings both ways 🤷

  7. I didn't do it with every killer, I only did it with the killers I actually play (Trickster, Pyramid Head, Freddy, Pinhead, Clown, Doctor, Plague.) I main trickster, I found your channel entirely because of your trickster best build video, and he was my only four man out. It was… humbling. I played dirty, tunneled, camped in a three gen, but it was in a very bad trickster map (Disturbed Ward, too big of a map and the jungle gyms are completely safe). I felt completely ineffective. 3k on Doctor which was pretty tough because I'm used to having addons on him, then a 4k on the rest because it just felt like the same killer just with a slight handicap. Plague and clown didn't feel any different. Freddy felt a little stronger because I usually play pallet Freddy.

    All in all, I just didn't like the challenge because I don't enjoy camping and tunneling, but it did further prove the dirtier side wins. Trickster went down to a map offering and three BNPs. The only other one that got a map offering was Freddy, who IMO doesn't really care about maps. The rest were fair, even games with a handful of BNP/syringe gamers, but it is what it is.

  8. basically put:

    Swfs are broken: we already knew this so therefore they need to be nerfed hard.

    Solos are underpowered: big shocker there needs buffed somehow.

    Killers cannot score victories against survivors without camping or tunneling them out no matter the perks or add ons which shows just how UNDER powered killers are and HOW BROKEN SURVIVOR IS therefore the core gameplay needs to be changed, updated, new objectives and winning styles with dbd need to be created.

  9. i did the Challenge on stream as well and managed to get a 2.30 Avg and the killers i was uncomfortable like oni trapper and blight i managed 4k's and the killers i main i got maybe 2 and worst case i got some 1k's

  10. So i did the challange and i got 4ks as Trapper, Dr, Ghost Face. I got 0k as Wraith, Nurse, Clown, Legion, Oni. The only killers i didnt play where Pinhead and Twins.
    I then did the challange again but with Ruin, Undying just to see if they extended the game time or got more kills etc. The longest Ruin undying lasted was 4min 12seconds, the average was 1min 8 seconds, i on average got 1 extra hook using ruin/undying + but saw a much higher endgame hook/kill rate.

    In Nov-Jan i played 10 games as every killer (excecpt Legion, Twins, Pinhead), with yelllow or weaker add ons and the same 3 perks moniter,surge,discordance (with a 4th changing between killers), to count the number of games i won playing "friendly" (a win being 3-4k with minimum seperate 6 hooks, i would also not tunnel or camp). out of 230 games i only won 93. Almost half of the games had 3 or 4 man swfs and 1 in 6 games had surivior sided bugs. The Killers i got the best results with where, Trapper, Plauge, ghostface and Dr.

    And i had almost no fun playing it. i stoped playing after season of the bwitch for a fair while until i started playing to record results, and i have to say boons and mmr have ruined the ablity for a killer to play a "fun or meme or fair" bulid, play normally and win, to win you either have to sweat so much or go afk for a bunch of games to lower mmr, then play against 4 baby dwights before being thrown against a 4man claudete swf :p

    I played my first game ever as Legion last week, i had lv1 Iron Madien and Discordance, i went against a 2 man swf with p3 Claudets, both with boons and all the other meta perks, 1 survivor who dead harded 3 times in one chase and dead harded into a lithe (so a cheater) and a default baby meg with no perks , thanks mmr.
    Rant over

  11. There's no way Legion and Clown can get a 4k and Blight a 1k and the experiment results be considered telling of much. What we can see is:

    If one side plays sweatier than the other, they will win. However, if both sides sweat then survivors hold the advantage, as seen in your Trapper and Blight games. The "experiment" is in an uncontrolled environment with a flawed matchmaking system, you're going to get people not sweating and not up to par, but in the few games where they are, they have the advantage most of the time. This is why Pinhead has the highest kill rate in the game despite being mediocre and why the kill average is above 2 despite killer being weaker.


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