Chucky perk tier list Dead by Daylight

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6 thoughts on “Chucky perk tier list Dead by Daylight”

  1. I skipped to the end to see the list just because I don’t have time to watch right now but I will later.

    The only thing I want to say outside of this actually being a really good and accurate list is Dissolution in particular has a strange effect.

    So Chucky struggles on short trash loops, but with dissolution if you initiate a slice and dice while it’s active and the pallet is down directly at the pallet where the correct play from the survivor would be vault to force scamper and side step, they’re now either forced to side step early which you can flick and hit them OR they vault, it breaks because your TR comes back as soon as the dash starts and you hit them through it (or are able to flick left/right afterwards if they try to dodge after the vault).

    This has saved me a ton on some of Chucky’s worst maps like Badham in particular.

    I’ve been running an all chase build of Bamboozle/Brutal/Dissolution/Enduring and have been getting an insane amount of value out of it so I think it’s worth testing and giving another chance.

    Much love as always ❤


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