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Today in Dead by Daylight I was requested to do an all hex perk spirit build!
dead by daylight Resident evil is here!, with the new killer dbd nemesis, and i hope you are all ready after the dbd new killer trickster was quite the disappointment! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Spirit Gameplay!
Its so satisfying to see spirit gameplay on the channel
You should run devour hope with the spirit hex build it's to op lol
Also love the channel keep up the great work!!!
bro higher your videos aduio it is so low
Spirit's standing still game is fucking disgusting
I love it and I love you for playing such a merciless Spirit
Nice to see this build on not myers
These Hex Builds seem good, but their brought to 'Ruin' once all the totems are cleansed and it might as well become a no perk build, but nothing stops you!
lol another video I saw live!
I feel like Trill of the Hunt would work better than Undying for an all hex build.
Countering spirit is easy, just keep running the loop like normal, until you get back to the spir- oh wait never mind she was fake phasing.
I just watched the community tier list video and wanted to know when you will make your own personal tier list?
I had two games today where i sat still when the spirit was still, then dropped a flashbang and got em coming out of phasewalk. felt like a Chad. still died though.
ooo some spirit gameplay. that's rare! I take it someone requested her?