pinhead mori looks brutal on P3 Cheryl in dead by daylight #Shorts

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23 thoughts on “pinhead mori looks brutal on P3 Cheryl in dead by daylight #Shorts”

  1. Fun fact about the prestige skins; the devs made a note to see them as the survivors final forms.

    Meaning, if there ever was going to be a campaign with the survivors, this is what they’d look like.

    Fan theory time: Personally, in my campaign mind, it would end with the survivors opening a portal through a sacrifice, weakening the entities hold onto them and it’s body/world, and fight all the killers.

    I’m not explaining what I think happens to all the other survivors, but for Cheryl, I solemnly believe that the first thing she’d do, would be to go control pyramid head since the entities control over them is much weaker now. She’d gain control and then go fight some killers, but end up at pinhead because she comes across the box. She tells pinhead to protect her at all costs and she begins to solve it.

    Pinhead would obvi come and a fight between the two killers would commence while pinhead is also sending out little hooks towards Cheryl to stop her from sending him back to hell, this would explain the little lacerations marks on the top of her arm near her shoulder.

    Personally, I’d say she succeeded pretty easily since she’d have Alessa to guide her and they send ph back to hell.

    That’s my fan theory.

    Edit: the reason I think all of this, again, is because of the lacerations on her arms. At first I thought they would be from the trickster since his specialty is just that, but then I saw pinheads mori and was like, “holy fucking shit, Cheryl vs pinhead? Honestly, that’s kind of fitting for two deities that aren’t exactly gods fully.”


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