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24 thoughts on “PLAGUES LOOKING KINDA SOLID! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I once played a game against the plague and someone had no mither on my team. Everyone was sick and the first person to cleanse was the no mither person and they cleansed every time after they got sick too. It was real annoying.

  2. 10:00 how the fk did he see her. no matter how close i look and how long i look at it at fking 0.25 speed (and even a bit less actually) i still cant see this bish lol wtf tru usually you miss a few things that i see but this one i just cant no matter what i do lol

  3. I now have cursed meme build fo her. Brown addon for 40+ seconds infection, yellow for 30+ seconds, thana and dying light. It remains only to watch how low-ranked survas are afraid to touch the generators, because God forbid them to become injured. And if they don't clean … Bye Forever Freddie, hello Forever Plague

  4. The boons are a bit too annoying tho, something should be done about it, if a hex is destroyed its gone for good but when a boon is destroyed they can always do it again on the same totem and the killer can't do anything about it…

  5. I really enjoy playing her, especially with black incense, and prophylactic amulet. Punishes them for not cleansing, and less pools means I get my power for free quicker once they realize they have to cleanse.

  6. Like i've said, Boons should only be done once. Unfair for killers that can only have 1 hex up and can never re-up it while survs can cleanse or boon a totem. Just unfair.


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