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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Hello early gang! Sort of.
OVERPERFORMING with a 3k? Man you’ve gotta get out of your own head. you are not a top MMR killer whatsoever it’s hilarious.
Bhvr balancing dbd like liberals balancing society.
trues gameplay has been insufferable lately. So hard to watch lmao
Great game and excellent thinking out loud skills. 👏🏾
Wait… you don't need momentum to deadhard… it's not just a speed boost that get you ahead in life…
Why don't behaviour just give survivors a get out of jail for free card eh…
Clicker dead. So good 😀😊
"they used dead hard, nothing i can do" LMAOOOOOO
but what about the survivors you camp, slug and tunnel? what are they supposed to do about that? just run Deliverance, D/S, Dead Hard, Unbreakable? i thought killers hated that meta? or maybe you just dont like those perks because it doesnt allow you to play like an asshole.
So satisfying seeing clicky clicky die 🤣
Thanks for the play-by-play maybe do a weekly feature? I know almost nothing about the game (I almost get the same feeling watching a game of Cricket as an American lol) but you make it so entertaining.
man some of yall in the comments dont know how tedious killer is…
Devs have never said 3 kills is overperforming.
I'm fairly confident the "perfect" dead hard is just another evolution of a cheat FYI. I've seen it a lot this past week in DbD content and I've a nose for these things.
Man tru3 was on a rant today! I feel it Tho. Watched most of vids from today and I see the same kind of annoyance. We'll get through it
Yeah those Dead Hards were very sus 😂😂
Edit: wassup with all you survivor mains talking bout “why are you camping why are you tunneling? This isn’t high mmr.” Please stfu look at the killer obj to survivors obj. Look at what the survivors have to defend their selfs with to killers. Look how the survivors can stop regression on the gen in .000001 seconds and it takes killer 2 seconds to kick. Idk why y’all cry so much when the killers in DBD a game that has HELLA KILLERS and could actually be good is at a clear disadvantage.
true why not staying away from dbd for little bit like ive quit the game since the new matchmaking and every update they released made me more happy that i quit before to see all these things , you can do tons more games instead of this dead garbage game
Holy shit the some of the comments on this video already.
Tell me you main survivor, without telling me you main survivor.
Those frame perfect dead hards…they literally stand still till you swing and bing almost like a computer doing it 😉 😉
I swear boon totems are just a middle finger to killers because not only does their hex go forever but survivor totems can simply be relit over and over again
I this build with blood warden and it worked like a charm. Had 1 down like this, forced the other guys to open the door out of fear, and then hooked the downed guy to activate blood warden for an additional 2 kills.
I'm nowhere near as good as true at killer so all 4 survivors were alive most games by the end but the majority were death hook so there's that.
14:48 "Welcome to high-level DBD." Such a bad-ass line to close out one of the sweatiest matches.
Good Job. Though I do still think Pop Goes the Weasel is great for 3 gens like this. You could have regressed both gens to nothing with the hooks you were getting near them.
It’s so sad how tunneling someone at the first hook, hoping there is no ds, is one of the few few ways to ensure a win, the game forces you to play like a scumbag and then obviously you get flamed for doing so.
Love how a guy who can’t loop with balance landing equals “high mmr”
this match took "EAD ARD" too a whole nother' lvl…
Fyi there is a cheat that enables automatic dead hearts at the perfect time. You would never be able to tell the cheat is on unless someone dead hearts a point blank no lunge hit like dwight did. Thats why True says its sus
I think hit validation it's a dumb idea only help cheaters and survivors with way better ping than the others so where is the skill if no matter the orden of the events? if dh unfairly always use to win against the most fast and close possible m1 I think at least if they are not going down there should be no hit sound effect cause that is so confusing true could react in time against that dh to grab her vaulting but it sounds like a down so he didn't
Every time I watch one of your videos, I am happier and happier I quit.
Its more frustrating and boring than stressful
For any Killer who is tunneling and getting blamed post Game Chat, just ask the Survivors: You make any plays to let me enjoy the Game more? Period 😉
The dead hard hacka lol
Thanks for the play by play always value your tips and explained gameplay true
Yeah that one dwight was cheating, there was no way they could have timed that dead hard.
Most of yall are entitled survivor mains and it shows😭😂
I have to say TrU3 I can point out several mistakes you made if you really wanted to win (4k)
I’m sure the long chases had nothing to do with the loss.
feel like he could’ve got the 4k if he went for the dwight in the end (before he finished opening the gate), gotten 7 stacks and chased the last girl afterward since he was injured
The reason I quit dbd is literally this vid😂 Much love and respect that you can still put up with this unfair game. Skill is not recognized at killer side as usual. Ur amazing as always, stay strong
hmmm, i dont know freddy still seems wee bit op, needs another ref or two
Faced a cheater last night while playing killer. The survivor had infinite flashlight. Infinite dead hard and lithe. When I killed him on hook it showed that he escaped lmao. Gg devs