PLAY SMART, NOT HARDER | Dead by Daylight

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I like to take a moment at the start of a match to plan my gens and figure out whats the easiest tackle for each map, you can’t perform the say on each map with each killers limitations. I took the chance to camp a hook and 4 gens, of course they were not happy about it.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


24 thoughts on “PLAY SMART, NOT HARDER | Dead by Daylight”

  1. That Leon got himself killed lol He chased after you hoping to tank a hit with BT but got punished with your showstopper he should’ve ran in the other direction

  2. People like this make me barely play Killer anymore. I used to love it, but the moment I apply pressure I'm a bitch, asshole, trash, can't pkay, etc. Adn then there's complaints the queue takes ages. I barely play dbd anymore cause of how toxic it's gotten. Cheers for the vid as always Jay, you inspired me to play, but I do not have your blood pressure. xD Keep up the great work.

  3. Leon is just mad. He ran into a trickster with active main event because he THOUGHT he could take the hit and just run off. That's not how it works at all.

  4. Leon be like: you camped and tunneled, that takes no skill
    Also Leon: let me chase the killer after I got unhooked without ds, big smort, much skill
    Some people make huge mistakes and try to blame the other side for it.

    Had a David complaining about a Dwight one time I played as huntress on springwood (I let him escape).
    He blamed dwight for not doing anything that match.
    Each time I saw Dwight, he was doing gens.
    Meanwhile David, the first being hooked, making attempts and instantly going second stage (slippery meat btw).
    At first I felt bad for him, but after the match i didn't.
    I am fairly sure, if he wasn't dea on hook early on, the could have achieved far more, shame

  5. End game chat makes me glad I play on console sometimes lol. I still get salty messages here & there, but not nearly as much as pc players. Confusing that the guy that ran into the killer with BT, which turned the game into a 3v1 by doing so, is the one complaining about the killers tactics for the loss. Very well played Jay and I like how you try to explain the strategy for the survivor to understand (even though they usually don’t take the explanation well lol)

  6. Leon was by far the worst one on their team, and yet even after he runs back into the killer multiple times, literally chasing the killer after he just got unhooked, has the audacity to say "camp tunnel no skill" xD

  7. the editing where you zoom in for the text chat is spectacular btw
    I'm sure you're proud of it when you thought of it, so I just wanted to let you know we definitely see it and appreciate the added quality.
    it's executed so well

  8. Big ups to the Zarina. She did the gens even in the face of no hope for escape. I think if she and Feng teamed up on one while you sat near Kate, at least one of them could've gotten out.

    As for Clown, Clown is a lot of fun when you dive into his mechanics. People sleep on the yellow bottles and I don't know why. They're good for throwing when you need to reload or when you're about to pick up a Survivor, or even the basic purple/yellow bottle at a loop technique.

    Anyway, loved the video. <3

  9. That Leon should've known that once you got into main event BT wouldn't be able to save him. He was literally in front of you. It's so easy to tell when Trickster is about to go into main event. Wow 🙄😂

  10. 8:55 Leon was like ''Ji-Woon i am a great fan let me see the mainevent aswell'' :'D

    To answer your question i think people just want to ''sweat'' more then they used to when there's a 3v1 against the killer.
    A 3v1 is not that much fun i guess because its just about the WIN.
    So they just start vibin or in the worst case….. start to…. STEALTH.
    You can win a 3v1 as survivor for sure but its very hard and shattering when you can't finish a single gen, but repair them for minutes and minutes.
    Thats very… demoralizing is the word i think so they rather throw the game or get the most possible fun out of it, instead of sweating the WIN.

    Baseline: If a car is missing a tire it can still drive but the driver needs to be even more cautious/has more stress/more responsibility.
    And most survivors aren't good drivers.

    PS: Endgamechat as killer is…. pathetic but you can't help talking to them lol

  11. They hate when you make the game a little bit more difficult for them. That's where camping and tunneling complaints come from, survivors do like it when the killer plays in a way to make the game easier for them. But if course survivors can use what ever they want to make the game easy for them.

  12. It goes like this, if I’m going to go after the one who saved off hook to respect your fun of not tunnelling you out and you’re going to block me because of your BT, I’m going to knock you down again and put you back on hook. Simple, it’s not tunnelling if you’re going to block me from getting someone OTHER than you, quite disrespectful when survivors do this then have the gall to accuse you of tunnelling when they chose to body block you from getting anyone else.

  13. This is actually a very interesting contrast

    Last week I watched your video "Is it vulgar to try and win" and I found it funny that there was barely any camp/tunnel in the video, really only in the end of the video and the survivors were a bit prepared to deal with it. Regardless, the comments seemed to be defending it in the other way "Why can't I do this if I want to win?" as if it was a necessary evil
    Now watching this video, I saw egregious facecamping (the only intentional tunnel was Leon's fault so no tunneling really )which did hijack the game, taking away from "normal" gameplay of chases. Now only a couple of the comments say "it had to be done" but instead there's a much greater group making fun of the Leon instead for making a bad play. I get it, you see a "bully" and want to "bully" them back, I just find it interesting.

    edit: i've changed my mind a bit on the tunnel looking back on where Feng was targeted off hook after the Leon rescue, only targeting him when he blocked your way and also then fumbled his speed boost. other instances are safer although you could argue they could just be BT avoidance rather than actually being kind

  14. I mean overall the killer gameplay had a lot of issues and mistakes, probably rusty on trickster, so you refocused the game into defending the small area. Obviously the correct play for someone trying to not get dominated. But it definitely is ruthless and unfun for most survivors, hijacks other gameplay, and it continued even when the game was no longer being lost so hard. Had kate been rescued instead of sacrificed, that still leaves 3 survivors, 2 injured, 2 on death hook, to tackle a close 3/4 gen setup (with good sightlines too) when a few already displayed to not know full trickster counterplay, a killer that will basically massacre you if you go for saves in front of him with knives.

    Basically to put it harshly, I think poor gameplay got patched over by a game flaw against not-even-great survivors. I'm not saying that either side deserved a win but that I can't see this being healthy for the game. A few mistakes shouldn't lead to a team snowball loss on either side. But a killer has the agency to choose to not make it worse, survivor power is made up of their skill and BHVR's balancing. I don't think any of this type of gameplay should be encouraged, it rightfully deserves criticism, and we need to refocus away from laughing at "entitled survivors" and more about getting BHVR to actually address core issues with the game.

  15. Ngl I got to a point I listen to music and I use tinkerer dark devotion no way out and shadowborn on my billy I think gen regression is pointless being speed of gens I myself need to pressure most pressure is 4 on ground

  16. Love the Trickster vids, it’s rare to find streamers that routinely play him. I follow a Japanese and Korean streamers that main him to get tips but love that I can see you play him sometimes too <3


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