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Demogorgon’s portals are super strong since the update they made! Fairly underrated gameplay style to be honest. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Demogorgon in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
New legion set looks weird… and he can now create portals?
Bwt I'm @admin_chinchopy from your chat
Your arguments against Legion that there was no counter play were pretty weak.
By the Same argument Wraith should not exist in his current form.
Neither should Spirit.
Neither should Nurse
And also Hag.
And Time to down is important. The fuck do you mean it doesn't matter?
The entire game is balanced around time, as well as speed and distance.
You forget when Legion dropped the game was not played the way it is today.
"Legion can vault pallets" No skill.
Meanwhile Nurse Doesn't even know what a pallet is.
I used to want Frank's as basekit, but you've shown me the light, Tat. Now I think they should rework it so if you hit all four survivors in one feral frenzy, do a 360, vault seven different windows and get Territorial Imperative to proc all before frenzy ends, then your next hit reduces their deep wound timer by 1 second.
Is Demogorgan a good killer? I know he’s usually ranked kinda low but he looks like he could be a fun killer. I wanna get him but I’m thinking I need to play more often before I get more killers
Seals like vids
I played against old legion when he first came out and didn’t really have an issue with it, as his charge would run out after he gets a couple hits so you were rarely put into dying state.
Granted I was a green rank survivor back then so it may have just been the killers I came up against.