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Nemesis gameplay where all survivors rage quit against me! Hope you all enjoy the video!

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Nemesis render model made by my mod Joe!


17 thoughts on “QUADRUPLE RAGE QUIT AGAINST NEMESIS! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. bro I see your videos pop up in my homepage feed every now and then. While you don't get many views vs other DBD content creators.

    How in the HELL are you so consistent at getting constant ragers and quitters?

    You got paid actors, mate? Cause I don't get this many rages on my Nemesis and I get consistent 3 and 4ks with him.

    Keep up the entertainment mate, it's funny to see how often you get mad kids.

  2. Those weren't rage quits. You had literally done nothing, either way. No hooks, no gens, not even a down. Likely there was a connection issue or lag so first one DCd, second one just stopped in the middle of chase, connection prob. The third and fourth didn't want to waste time paying with bots. Or they were a team and quit when one had connection issues. Assuming rage quits here when nothing happened is a false flex. They just DCd. It had nothing to do with you.


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