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This Requested Dredge build beats down survivors early with lethal pursuer and keeps pressure with friends til the end!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay rank 1 Dredge Gameplay!
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00:00 Build Breakdown
01:41 Dredge Gameplay
Can’t wait for the Dredge changes to test
7:49 injured Lara was crouching right next to the locker you exited
What a timely Dredge video considering what BHVR just announced. Can't wait!
I love how dumb this build is
Hex Russian roulette build
Hex undying
Haunted grounds
Hex devour hope
Hex thrill of the hunt
I usually run this on any killer but i recommend a m1 killer like spirit or Dredge for that extra pressure
Boost the algorithm
The Dredge is so much fun to play; and the torture screams and cries are such a cool thing.
There's something really appealing about the Dredge. He's definitely creepy and unlike any other killer.
Sweet 🎉 Thanks for doing my build man! Helps give some ideas for sure!
Hot take: dredge is the coolest designed original killer
Chucky build request
(Even if you dont use it i still love your content 🙌)
No where to hide
Trail of torment
Thrilling tremors
Add ons
Jump rope
Automatic screw driver
I think it's pretty self explanatory it's a stealth chucky build. After I made this build I get alot more 4ks consistently and pick people up while theyre working on gens. I use thrilling tremors because it gives me info where to go after I hook someone since it blocked every gen not being worked on. Quick tip (I'm not sure if I'm correct but this is what i discovered after running this build alot) when u get stealth from trail of torment and Tinker you don't laugh or have those white footsteps so you really want to use hidey hoe for stealth if u really need too. I like to save my hidey hoe to use slice and dice after I hit someone while being in stealth from Tinker or trail of torment
Day 11 of asking for a loss compilation (I’m a survivor main and it hurts to see this man destroy us ever game🙏😭)
Dredge is such a cool killer
Hey Red, got 2 crazy builds for you to try. The ICU Plague and Oni build. Play on words cuz it's constant auras and cuz it puts survivors in the ICU.
Oni – Franklins, Weave Attunement, Lethal and Plaything (add ons are the bloody glove and splintered hull).
Plague – Plaything, Pain Resonance, Grim Embrace and Alien Instinct (add ons are Black Incense and another of your choice).
What the hell happened here? Did dredge body slam her and she died or did red m1 and the animation just bugged out
At 12:24 taeko turned on a speed hack
Damn that skin looks crazy but yea I just synced my progression got like 20 k shards just unlocked dredge super fun killer
I've got a silly build idea: since Singularity can hear now when he's controlling the biopod, what if we try to triangulate injured survivors with them, make them louder with Stridor and keep them injured with Sloppy Butcher? Add-ons and other perks are up to you.
7:49 i seen a survivor hahaha
Can you do a build that I sometimes like to use? I call it the kidnapper or body snatcher build.
It uses: forced hesitation, knock out, agitated, and either eruption or rapid brutality. It works on just about every killer. I get the most value from this build with ones like singularity or unknown.
If you could try this in a future video I would love to see it, thanks!
25:58 no swing but she got downed? WHAT?
Can't wait for the 2v8 mode to end, finding killer games even in normal mode is soooo fucking hard