SADAKO VS SWF! ft. WEIRD BUILD! Dead by Daylight

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SADAKO VS SWF! ft. WEIRD BUILD! Dead by Daylight

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16 thoughts on “SADAKO VS SWF! ft. WEIRD BUILD! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I play survivor 70 percent and killer 30 percent and it's very obvious that dead is the best perk in the game. Being able to take a 3rd hit when the game revolves around you being down in 2 hits changes everything.

    It will continue to be the best perk in the game unless its completely overhauled. It's too good not to use which is why everyone in silver ranks and up all use it.

  2. they should keep DH as it is since it does take a little bit more skill to use not by much but nubs and average players typically don't pick it cause they don't understand how to time it very well. DH just needs to be change to a limit charges of 3 uses and you only get them back after u get unhooked or they need to increase the cd from 40secs to 70secs!. killer perks have massive requirements on them, limit uses or take time to build up and i think DH should be one for survivors for how game breaking it is! cause atm it takes nothing to earn. thus they should limit DH with charges x3 or increase the cd to 70secs. its just OP as it stands right now with 4 survivors having it, its also another reason WHY KILLERS SHOUDLN'T BE PUT ON SAME LVL AS SURVIOVORS killers should 100% have 5 perks not 4 perks!. its 4v1

  3. You are basically using my second most used build as Sadako. Though I normally have franklins instead of knockout because I am constantly going against people who use BNPs or insta heals. ( Sadly not a joke. Every match I get is like that. Its kinda boring. BTW isint knockout kinda redundant with this build? Its why I prefer something like Franklins since I am able to use it to deal with/destroy items.. And it gives them a extra thing they have to think about if they want to use said items at all. )

    My other build I like with her is more centered on constantly teleporting but I can not always do that build since it relies on having at least one of the iri addons.


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