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I didn’t get around to reviewing the match and reporting in time for this guy to already get banned by EAC LOL, but regardless, lets take a look at the match and catch all the obvious cheating they were doing without me stress missing it.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT


31 thoughts on “SALTY CHEATING SURVIVOR GETS BANNED | Dead by Daylight Hightlight”

  1. I don't think they intended to show themselves at the end there. They used the same teleport they used all game to stop your hooks, which just put them right next to you too close for your fov, basically the same way as the fov tech in chases. But in that last moment you were so close up to the divider that it put them on top of it and the gig was up. At that point they had no reason to hide it anymore so they went all blatant instead.

  2. As I saw this live I think it’s important to point out how badly the Lisa tried to gaslight you both in the post game chat and then in your own stream’s chat by blaming it all on the Nea, saying you weren’t a good slinger on a rough map, and that she wanted to to give you a free kill at the end of game as an apology.

    Looking back she was obviously being too defensive and trying to put all the attention on the Nea. As soon as you started talking about reporting them she got very nervous despite protesting their innocence. Glad they got banned the little rat.

  3. I don't understand cheaters. I rather lose a huge amount of time until i figure out the match up or what ever you call that in dbd than cheat. No feeling of achievement, no feeling of progression. The victory becomes meaningless. People nowaday want instant gratification without putting the work that's crazy to me.

  4. I never understood why people cheat in games, it's really annoying. What i noticed, those hackers are always full of themselves, abusive and with a big mouth. Claudette was clearly a diversion the whole game, same with Lisa.
    I am really happy to see you did not get angry about it and that they got banned.
    Love the content!

  5. That's why almost nobody want to play killer … toxic survivors that clik clik with fllashlights and they tbag .4 bpns , 4 second chances perks and unbalanced maps and sometime they use cheats.

  6. Hackers like this are genuinely pathetic, especially when they teabag like they did something when in reality they need to hack because they’re shit at the game lmao. I’ll always be impressed at genuinely good players who stomp me on both sides. Hackers though? They just baffle me. Especially when they whine about being banned because they got caught out 😂

  7. I just afk the second I realize a hacker they always have the EXTREMELY powerful infinite flashlight. The most annoying hacker I saw had boil over but you couldn't move period the wiggle would u move you slightly left to right but u couldn't actually move. Tbh I'd rather have obvious cheaters than ones who try to hide it cuz that at least makes for a good laugh.

  8. Yo i went up against either this guy or his teammate but he was using boilover hacks and had a cheated cosmetic, i have a clip of the boilover hack and the shirt. Hes been chatting shit to me on twitch ever since

  9. I had a run in with that person right after the boil over buff, they were an obvious 4 man that were all abusing boil over so that I couldn't physically hook anyone, I ended up bleeding them all out and in end game chat started insulting how I look in my profile picture on steam, how I play, just in general being really toxic. Kinda funny to see someone else have a run in with them too so I feel more justified that I wasn't the problem in that game

  10. I have to be honest, I didn't see any evidence of Lisa cheating in that match, only the Neas, obviously I could be wrong because hackers are usually subtle, but there doesn't seem to be anything Lisa did in particular that would make me think she was hacking? I'm wondering if the person was mass reported by people from the stream, and the person was using some kinda portrait/perk art modification addons from dbd toolbox, and EAC picked it up as modified files and banned them due to the number of reports, I've heard it happen before.

    I would be interested to know at what points people apparently obviously see Lisa hacking in this video, the only time I can see something even remotely questionable is when all three finished the gen and then lisa was at the hook ready to take hits for the claudette, but the gen they had done was in the middle room wasn't it? so there would have been more than enough time for Lisa to get there?

  11. I reported that feet pics guy months ago for cheating as they streamed briefly too, saw on stream they had in the high thousands of all items and addons for survivors including anniversary items with very low devotion so had obviously hacked some items in, no way they'd have that many, reported it and heard nothing. Glad your report did something, may have just been banned as I heard Behaviour detect items or BP that have been added to the account when they look through someone's account.

  12. "I wasn't hacking!"

    Oh so how did you get in the locker for the head on without him hearing you? Even quick and quiet doesn't make it totally silent. How about conveniently popping up whenever he downed the Claudette no matter what? lol

  13. Love the video but a good killer tip? Don't stare at the ground so much… You're missing everything that happens in front of you if you're just running with your head down… I've noticed you do it A LOT and you've lost chases quite a lot doing that


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