Salty Felix Calls Me A Hacker – Dead By Daylight

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I get accused of being β€œtoxic” a lot, but cheating??? SHEESH!

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28 thoughts on “Salty Felix Calls Me A Hacker – Dead By Daylight”

  1. It's always so funny when Surivor Main's accuse a killer for cheating but the only incriminating thing they actually expose is that they themselves don't even play enough killer to know about killer addons.

  2. I had a Dwight accuse me of hacking cause I knew where he was , I had nurses calling ,

    he kept healing by the hook he recently unhooked from , like I left the area and in chase with someone else , and Dwight was still there healing . He waited till endgame chat to accuse me πŸ˜…

  3. idk I might be missing context considering its cut up stream highlights, but i reckon the reaction to Felix saying "That FELT like a hacking spirit" was uncalled for, I usually like the little salty expose vids you make but this one was toxic. I mean tunnelling is always going to be seen as bad and when you do it and have this uncalled for toxicity to the player that is just questioning cheats, you're asking for backlash from the player.

  4. I had a killer (Playing Twins) say in end game 'Suck it hacker!' After they let me bleed out and we (the two friends and I who were playing together) asked 'Who?' – They then said I was – I was running Object of Obsession as I was going for Lauries adept 🀣 We all laughed and I said 'Maybe read what the perk does before accusing someone is hacking?' And we went onto next game. Sometimes people just need to chill, it's just a video game after all πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  5. Literally had a game like this. Team was accusing me of tunneling and mad I brought 2 gen perks. I look at their team and all have gen rush perks lmao.

    Survivors wonder why most killers bring defensive gen perks. It's crazy


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