Salty Man-child Entitled Survivor Tries to "Hurt" Me Dead by Daylight

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Salty Salty entitled survivor, same old, when will these people stop trying to control how killer plays?

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50 thoughts on “Salty Man-child Entitled Survivor Tries to "Hurt" Me Dead by Daylight”

  1. It's adorable since neither Kate player (salty one) nor the rest of the team did ANY good plays, Tru3 didn't even do anything special to outplay them, just basic survivors doing basic stuff. Yet their ego is so damn big, like they are so good at this game and Tru3 had no chance to win, but he did by pure luck no doubt. What's even funnier – it's just a stupid game, your win or lose doesn't affect anything, doesn't change anything. People going into salt, hatespeech, racism and all the BM stuff are the most pathetic and miserable people I've ever seen.

  2. 1. There is nothing wrong or even mean with how Tru plays.
    2. The most unskilled part I see in this game is dying survivors keep appearing in front of the killer, while healthy and never-been-hooked survivors are hiding.
    3. There is no scenario in which you can please an entitled survivor. You can play nice, do not kill them on the third hook, let them finish gens and go, and they will still be salty or toxic.
    These survivors belong with the 5 gen face camping bubba, I strongly suggest they torture each other and leave us alone.

  3. The 2nd best part of that morons comment is, the fog whisperer program doesn't even do anything for streamers. Bhvr could do so much more with it but they don't care.

  4. The very last part of the video where he says:” you don’t be offended by this person…”.
    Of course you are not offended by those people , you gain money playing video games so this is your job.
    For you this is a job , for me it’s just a game , so in this case, if 1985 offended me in game I exchange it with the same coin.

  5. 6:51 you saw he had sprintburst 6:28 and you said so yourself but you still waited for deadhard, in chases you need to memorize if they used their exhaustion perks or if they're still up, there you didn't have to wait

  6. I love how Kate is the one who complained, after getting stuck in corners TWICE that match and the second time, it got her killed… but oooh noooees! This loss is not MY mistake! It must be OTHERS that played unfairly LOL

  7. I mean a lot of the times I know why would people be mad about Tru3's gameplay but in this game he played like an ordinary killer, no tunneling, no camping, idk what is he mad about. They literally were healing under the hook hoping that the killer won't come and then complain coz he came to them. Like wtf is this lmao

  8. Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but isn't "underexposed" a compliment?
    Tru3's a big DBD streamer, but tactical killer mains who upload full games and explain strategy should get more exposure. Underexposed.
    Otherwise, it'd be just SWFs meming for the tiktoks. Head On bullies and sabo squads and "get in the hole" are fun to watch for a bit, but it gets old.

  9. Take a moment to imagine yourself in that dude's emotional state and what possible scenario would bring about that awful behavior. Forget about ridicule, I'd say God bless him, that's a dark place to be in.

  10. Yup! Ignore these types of messages. The only time they're ever this "bold" is online. In real life though i've found that the people who speak like this online are often the ones who get too anxious to even make a phonecall or tell a waiter/waitress if their order is wrong. Lol

  11. Do you know how devs of the DbD can improve their game? They have to hire apes to their team…. many many apes and replace their actual the lowest form of lifes what are doing balancing. Because if I would bring an ape and give her banana, then this ape will do their job much better then them. Its very simple. Just like minds of devs of DbD. Choose what ever insect or braindead cretin (read Ochido) and even that form of life will be doing their job better. Even when its cretin like Ochido. And from humans there is anyone better than any of the actual dev team.

  12. 11:27 jesus the levels of maturity of tru3 are insane, he have a unbeatable mind and confidence that's why he is one of the goats in dbd, he piss off a lot of toxic ppl in dbd. He´s an OG!

    BTW 12:08 is the exact message DBD players, community and entitled ones need to know, this is the key. Congrats @Tru3ta1ent.

  13. I don't hate true, but I must say I don't like how he permanently talks about what a "top player" he is and also calling survivors worse than him or the top 1% "trash players" all the time. You're basically attracting negativity by behaving like this yourself. And for someone who "just doesn't care", he surely talks about it wayyy to often. Like everytime I tune in to his stream, it only takes 1 or 2 minutes and the topic is up again. I like him for some reason and I would prefer to just watch him play and ACTUALLY not care about those comments/people and just it so everything can develope into a more positively minded atmosphere. I really think that would make it better for everyone.

    That being said, I also like someone who talks the truth, and I feel like speaking out on how you think the devs are dealing with the game or what you don't like about it or the direction it might be going is NOT toxic and should be embraced instead of banned (referring to the Fog Whisperer program and topic here).

  14. There are really toxic fog whisperers who treat their opponents like dog shit but tru3 gets kicked out for a stupid voice even though it had nothing to do with disabled people.

    That excuse was a bigger stretch then the devs butthurt asshole


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